Ksapaka - 4406 - The destroyer of delusion, Mortifier. Ksapaka sreņi - 4445 stunt - Ladder of annihilation - Ladder of destruction of karmas, The destructive ladder. Ksapan a-4901 - Annihilation, Eradication. Kșatriya - fra - Warrior class. Ksapita karma m sika - क्षपित
H1f81a5 - Eradicated functional part. Ksaya. - Destruction, Annihilation of karmas, Eradication. Kșaya (Deša) - 92 (TST) - Partial annihilation. क्षयोपशमलब्धि-Ksayopasamialabdhi - Samsāri Jivaembarassed by ancient as well as fresh karmic enemies patiently waits for an opportune moment. As a natural consequence of karmic matter duration may come to an end or its intensity and fertility may be declining to minimums. At that moment the Bhavya Jiva which is patiently aspiring for spiritual greatness, strikes with vehemence and Vanquishes the enemy. This suppression of karmas at their weakest moment is kşayopa śma Labdhi. Ksanti - alfa- Equanimity, Forgive ness. Equanimity - is the renunciation of the four passions. Kş ayika - 17407 - Annihilating, An- nihilator. Ks āyika bhāva - 1f407 19 - Destructional disposition. The manifestation which appears on the total destruction of the obstructive karmas is the destructive one; and it is pure and natural.
Pasca II verse 965.
Ksayika dāna - fra GTA - Annihilating donation. That knowledge is called kşayika (produced after the destruction of karmas) which knows completely and simultaneously the whole range of variegated and unequal objectivity of the present and other wise. Ksayika labha - क्षायिक लाभ - Annihilating gain. Kṣāyika samyagdarśana - mifera Hepight - The pure irrevocable belief, Annihilating serene vision. क्षायिक सम्यक्त्व - The belief which is caused by the destruction of right belief deluding karma (Darsana Moba and 4 error feeding passions sub classes of right conduct deluding Karma) is perfectly pure. It (is) destructive right belief (Alfa 9848 so called as it destroys the causes of wrong belief entirely.) (It is) eternal and (is) the cause of destruction of Karmas. The destructiveright belief is never shaken by words, by arguments, by forms fearful to the senses or by terror and disgust or by (all things in the) three words.
G.J. 315-317. Gatha - 646-647. Kşa yika samyak Jnāna sferas FRIEFIA - Annihilating serene knowledge. Ks āyika samyktva - fra Felona - Destructive right belief. Ksayika upabhoga - क्षायिक उपभोग - Annihilating subendurance. Kṣāyika virya - efetch oftef - Annihilating power. Kṣāyiki - entfernt - Due to destruction of karmas.