Ksāyopašamika - ritarif 44 - An- Kșetravrddhi - Teras - Enlarging nihilation cum subsidence.
the boundaries in the accepted direcKsayopasamikacaritra- क्षायोपशमिक tions out of greed. चारित्र- The conductof destruction cum
Kșipta citta - fe fact - One madsubsidence.
dened on account of sorrow. Ksayopasanikabhava-क्षायोपशमिक Kșiti sayana - fafar yr49 - Sleeping on 979 - Disposition of destruction cum
ground. subsidence.
Ksina kasaya - क्षीणकषाय - Deक्षायोपशमिक भाव -One which arises stroyed delusion, The saint whose pason the non-realization (anudaya)of the sions are destroyed. totally destructive karmas and the real- Kșiņakaş aya - sito | - Stage of ization (udaya) of the partially destruc- destroyed delusion. tive karmas. Pañca - 966. Ksi namoha - M e - The saint The mixed manifestation has a dual
whose delusion is destroyed, nature like the partially obstructed in
S-9/1. toxicating power of an inferior type of.
Ksipra-7879 - K șipra means knowing rice (kodon).. i Raja P. 100.
S - 1/16. Ksepa - 84 - Unsteadiness. K setra - - Place, Constructedquar
Kșīrāsaravitva - strafora - Feedter, Spatial extent, The spatial location,
ing people with mild products. Regions, Quarter, Area, Volume.
K sobha - 819 - Perturbation, AnnoyKsetra - E - consists of fields in
ance. which com is grown.
Kșullaka - - Junior. Ksetranugami - क्षेत्रानुगामी - Quarter
Ksvelosadhi rddhi-क्ष्वेलोषधि ऋद्धि
Where the phelgom becomes invested study.
with the power to cure ailments, by its Ksetranugami THT - Area contact. following.
Kșut - - Hunger. Kșetra parivartana a facta - Cycle of space, Cyclic change. Ksetrapāla - 19167 - The protector of the place. Kșetra pratyupeksaņa-ezerydau Trairūpya-tac- Three conditions. - Sending monks for the survey work. Trasa - 7 - Voluntarily movable body, Ksetrāvaga ha- 1"116 - Extent of Mobile beings, The two types of organspace.
ism beginning with the two sensed orKsetra vipaki prakrti - क्षेत्रविपाकी
Trasa - 74 - Those who are subject to yefa- Cyclic change fruition.
Trasa name karma are trasas.
S - 2/12
T (Tra) 1