ET (Kșa)
(360) बल्लाल - Ballala - He was the eldest Hundavasarpini- हुण्डावसर्पिणी - A son of Ereyanga, ruled next from 1102
period of Avasarpiņi i.e. period of to 1106 A.D. The great debater
downfall in which extraordinary events Charukirti Muni was his Guru. When
take place. the king was in moribund condition through severe illness, he quickly restored him to bealth. विष्णुवर्द्धन देव-Visnu vardhana deva - He succeeded king Ballāla. He was
Kșadmastha - Hry - Ordinary the most brilliant monarcbs of Karnā taka and was the rescuer of his
morals, Non-Omniscients. country from the Cholas. Many of the
Ksadmastha vitaraga - क्षमस्थ notable victories which marked his rule RM- Once the moban i ya karma is were won by his great generals. In his
destroyed, the sādhu stays for a period early life he was a firm believer of
of antar muhūrta any period less than Jainism but he was converted to
forty eight minutes in a state known as Vaisnavism by Rāmānuja in 1116.
kşadmastha vi tarāga. Inspite of his conversion he continued to honour and patronise the Jaina Gu
Ksama-4971 - Apology, Pardon, Forrus.
giveness. His queen Shantalādevi was a devout Ksama • 4141 - Forbearance is the Jaina. Anexpert in singing, instrumen- absence of defilement such as anger in tal music and dancing, she was re- the ascetic, who goes out for food for nowned for her beauty. Her activities preserving the body, when he meets for golorifying Jainism were unending with insolent' words, ridicule or deriand she was styled arampart of the Jain sion, disgrace, bodily torment and so on faith.
from vicious people. S - 96 His son Narsimha was crowned from K sama ya cana TEH - Apolothe very day of his birth. One of his gize, To beg pardon. most capable generals was the Jaina Ksana - Sur - Momentary existence, commander Hulla, whose intense de- Unique moment, Point instant, Momenvotion to the Jaina Dharma was respon
tary. sible for the devotion Narsimha showed
Kșan ika- afureri - Transitory. to the Jaina religion. A. 84-85.
Ksanabhangavada • क्षणभङ्गवाद - Hrda - Lake.
Doctrine of momentariness of things. Hrasa - T - Deterioration, Deca
Kṣaṇabhangura - 0749 - Transdent. .
migratory. Hrşta pușta - E TE - Stout. .
Kșanika kas āya - erfures #974 - ExHundaka samsthana - हुण्डक संस्थान
hausted affection. - Entirely unsymmetrical or deformed Ksan ikavada- क्षणिकवाद - Doctrine body.
of momentariness.