(359) vigilance rooted in passions. (Pramatta king
a t TET – The Hoyasala yogat Praņavyaparopaņaṁ himsā)
kings of Dvārasamudra - These kings The expression Pramatta yoga represents the essence of the definition.
were the yädava kşatriyas of The concept of Pramada is very wise Somavam ša. In 1116 A.D. They exas it comprises eight factors, namely pelled the Chola kings and became rul(1) ignorance (2) doubt (3) wrong no
ers of the whole region lying in the west tion (4) attachment (5) Hatred (6)
of Mysore. The progenitor of the family Unsteady vigilance (7) disrespect for principles of righteousness and (8) was Šala. Once when in the temple of perversity of mental, vocal and physi- Basantidevi he was taking religious incal activity. Tattvärtha sūtra bhāsya. Structions from the Jaina Guru Sudatta Four kinds of Himsa . Er your cat Vardhamāna Mun indra, a tiger glaring
- Violence has been analysed ac- with rage came bounding out of the cording to the mental attitäide of the forest. The Jaină sage in order to test his individual into four kinds' namely bravery handed his rod to the chief and orhämmhiccarridental Ildvomine exclaimed “Poy sala!” meaning “O Sala
strike”. Whereupon Sala hit the tiger occupational, Virodh i or protective and
and saved the guru. Samkalpi or intentional.
It was from the rescued Jaina Guru's Himsad āna - FÉHIGA - Gift of instru- exclamation that the chief assumed the ments of offence.
name “Poysala", which later on changed Himsamū laka - FAMA8104 - Injuri
to “Hoysala”. Poysala was only achief
tain when he approached the JainaGuru Ous.
Sudatta for aid. Sudatta was anxious for Himvana- f 46F-Mountain Himvan
the rebirth of Jaina Dharmain the Deccan is on the borders fo Bharata and
and he set to work to devise ways and Haimavata. It is one hundred yojanas
means of rejuvenating the political life in height and is of golden colour like
of the country. He was successful in that of Chinese silk. S - 3/11.
creating the Hoysal kingdom and once Hirapya - Ferma - stamped coins of
again after the Gangas, a Jaina state precious metals.
came into existence. Hita · fen - Beneficence.
Parcuri - Vinayāditya - He was the hinadhika - stafette - Less-more. first notable king after Salaamong them. Hinākṣara sūtra - Etorer 9 - The
He ruled from 1047 to 1100 A.D. and sūtras containing lacunae of syllables.
extended the Hoysala kingdom by his
wisdom and prowess. He was an ardent hīyamana - strana - Decaying or
follower of Jainism. His religious prem decreasing.
ceptor was the Jaina Guru Säntisena. alat - Hotā - A Hotā is not one who
King Ereyan ga succeeded him. He was kindles the external fire, but one who
also a great warrior and supporter of casts the fuel of good deeds in to spiri
Jainism. His preceptor was the celtual fire with the formulas of kindness.
V.C.P. 411 ebrated Ācārya Gopanandi.