(358) Hastisilā - EARTTI-Elephant stable. Hetu vicaya - grey - Respecting the Hānabuddhi - Engles - The judge
element of contradiction in the written ment of avoidance.
word of law. Hāni - Ulf - Regression, Loss.
Hetipadesiki . हेतूपदेशिकी - DisHära. ET - Divisor, String of min
criminating iature shrines comprising kutas, salas
Hetvantara - rate - Amendment of and pan jaras decorating each store of
the reason. the south Indian vimāna.
Hetvābhāsa - Santa - Fallacious Hārayas ti-Trufe - Floral, Wreathes. reasons, Fallacies, Misleading argument.
Heya.- Censurable, Abdicative, Hinādhikamanonmāna - starferato
what is to be avoided. मानोन्मान - Using false weights and
Heyabuddhi - 4 glasa - Covetous, measures.
Abdicativeness. Hetu - t. - Reason, Premise, Middle
* Himsaka - fő Hats - Injurer. term, Probans, Causality, Thesis.
Himsa - Toh - Injury. Hetu-a tmabhū ta-anatmabhuta -
Himsa - Täht - The reverance of vitaliG-3A, 37716440 - Premise self
ties out of passion is injury. possessed, Non-self possessed.
S. 7/13. Hetu-Abhyantara-atmabhūta,
Himsā - f - any injury whatsoever Anatmabhūta -79-374-31177,
to the material or conscious vitalities STARTS - Premise-Intrinsic, Extrin
caused through passionate activity of sic.
mind, body or speech is Himsā. Hetu kartta - eg hef - Causal agent.
Pu 43. Hetu-Anupalabdhi - 29-349441fon - Himsa . Fer - If one acts carelessly, Negative middle term.
moved by the influence of passions, Hetu. Vyatirek
there certainly advances Himsā in front Premise - Discord.
of him whether a living being is killed Hetu - Upalabdhi/Vidhirūpa, or not. Avirud-dhopalabdhi, Vyapya,
Because under the influence of passion,
the person first injures the self, through Kārya, Karapa Pūrva Uttara,
the self, whether there is subsequently Sahacara - 34617@, faferny,
an injury caused to another being or not. faolio, 219, art, Rut, , The want of abstinence from biṁsā and JTR, HE TR - Premise - Positive, affir- indulgence in Himsā, both constitute mative, Non contradictory positive es- Himsā; and thus whatever there is tablishment, Syllogistic Effect, Cause, careless activity of mind, body or speech, Antecedent, Subsequent, Accompani- there always is injury to vitalities. ment.
FeHT - Himsā - Tattvärthasūtra deHetu bhāva - 42 - The causality fines himsa (violence, injury) as taking of the object, Defects of reason. away of life under the sway of non