Anubhava - 37792 - Knowledge. Anucara - 34GLER - Attendant. Anubhayagata sthana • अनुभयगत Anubhaga Kandotkarana - अनुभाग FIFA- Non-both located station. काण्डोत्करण - Energy split cast. Anubhaya manoyoga -34749 Haile- Anubhāga Kaņdotkaraņa Kāla - Neutral i.e. neither true nor false mind अनुभाग काण्डोत्करण काल - Energy split vibration.
cast period. Anubhaya svabhāva-377944 194TA -
Anubhaga sthana - अनुभागस्थान - The Which is not possessed of dual charac
various types of pleasure - pain conter.
sciousness resulting from the manifesAnubhaya vacana yoga - 37144 tation of corresponding karmas, can not gatum - Neutral speech vibration. be spoken of as belonging to the soul. Anubhaga - अनुभाग - The potency Anubhaga siksma Krsti - अनुभाग with which matter attaches itself to puente - Energy fine tract. Atman, Reduction of energy, Fruition, Anucatan - 3403927 - Particle fission. Intensity, Energy.
Anudaya upasama - 34164 34914 - Anubh a ga-37341 - Things of pecu
Riseless Subsidence. liar taste is intensity or fruition. Just as
Anudghāta - 375641a - Uncommuted. the milk of the goat or cow has each its
Anugama - haut - Information, own preculiar taste of greater or less
Generalisation. sweetness, so also does fruition differ corresponding to the potency of karmic Anugāmi - 37" - The following. matter.
S-8/3 Anugraha - 3474E - Means beneficial Anubh aga bandha - 379T TAT- to both the giver and recipient. The That is the intensity or the character - giver accumulates merit and the gift strong or mild - of the actual fruition of promotes right knowledge and so on in the karmic matter;
the recipient. Anubhāgabandha adhyavasāyā Anukampā - 3474441 - Compassion, sth a na- 375477 3784048TT- Grace. Energybond impure phase station. Anukampā - 370104-41 - If any one Anubhāga Kāṇ daka · 371941 moved at the sight of the hungry and the 106 8-Energy split or energy cutting.
miserable offers relief to them, out of Anubhāga Kāṇ daka khāndana -
pity, then such behaviour of that person
is love or charity. . 3474710105 EU57 - Energy split
passionate. Anubhāga Kāṇ dakayama-3774M.
Anukrama - 1995 - Succession. काण्डकयाम - Energy split length
Anukrti - 313ęsfor - Replica. . Anubhaga Kar daka ghata - 371
Anukrsti - 375este - Overlapping, भागकाण्डकघात - Energy split destruc
The law of subsequent tract tion.