Vitan dā - faciust - Wrangling. Vivartavāda- faarang - Doctrine of evolution. Vicāra-atar - vicāra is shifting with regard to objects, words and activities.
S - 9/44 Vitaraga - aitam - Non attachment. Vitaraga-attaem - Passionless, Free from passion & attachment etc. Vi tarāgatā a ia - The attitude of dispassion. Vi taragi . atacuit - Dispassionate. Vi tarka - facets - Speculation, Scripture. Vitasti faaft - 12 Angulas. Vivaksita - faarema - Implied, Implication. Vrhad - qeG - Colossal. Vrṣabhas irşa-qanpitef - Bull headed. Vithi - ateit - Avenue, Corridor. Vithika . alferait - Vestibule. Vividhatā - fafara - Novelty. Vivrtti - Faqfet - Description.. Vrata - an - Desisting from injury, desisting from falsehood, desisting from stealing, desisting from unchastity and desisting from attachment is the vow. The vow is the deliberately declared and self-imposed obervance. For instance, it is in the form of this must be done or this must not be done. Non- injury is the most important of the vows. Just as the surrounding fence protects the corn, so also truth etc. safegaurd non-violence.
S-7/1 aagtferme - Vrata šaithilya - Disre- gard of vows.
CAT - Vratabhan ga - Breach of the vows, such as
fish - Atikrama - Atikrama consists in the pollution of the texture of the mind.
fashi - Vyaukrama - Vyatikrama consists in crossing the barriers of vows. 3ifrer - Aticāra - Aticāra consists in indulgence in the pleasures of the world. 37710R - Anācāra - Anācāra consists in excessive attachment to the pleasures of the world. Vrati - act - Devout - the devout are those who observe the five vows such as non-injury and soon. They are householders as well as the ascetics who renounce the world.
S-6/12 Vrati - acit - He who is free from three kinds of stings is called a votary (Vrati). Vrata - a - Vow, Religious vow. Vrata saithilya व्रतशैथिल्य - Disregard of vows. Vrati - acit - Votary, Devout, Votarist, Vower. Vraddhāvāsa - qara - The monastrey of old monks. Vrddhi - qies - Enhancement, Increase, growth. Satsthanavrddhi - षट्स्थानवृद्धि - Six stationed growth. Vrsye starasatyāga - quiet CM - giving up delicacies stimulating amorous desire. Vrtta - o - Circle. Vrttākāra - Allcat - Circular. Vrtti - qfar - Dispositon, Proclivity, Disposition. Vrttiparisamkhyāna - TEYRHEINSpecial restrictions for begging food.