Vrttiparisamkhyāna- वृत्ति परिसंख्यान- Self special restrictions consist in lim- iting the number of houses etc. for begging food and these are intended for overcoming desire. S - 9/19 Vyabhécarita - 14efta - violated. Vyaktitva - ofera - countenance, Vyantara - 2771 - Peripatetic devas- These comprise Kinnara, Kimparusa, Mahoraga, Gandhavva, Yakşa, Rāk sasa, Bhūta and Pišāca classes. Vyantara, that is those having habitation in various places. The dwelling places of seven classes of the peripatetic devas are in upper hard part beyond the innumerable islands and oceans. The Rāk sasas reside in the Pankabahula region.
S-4/11 Vya ñi jana - 2017 - Indistinct things. Vyanjana samkranti - व्यञ्जन sisalfe- Word shifting. Vyatireka - f - The method of difference.. Vyavahāra - 206R - Practical..
100R PT That aifia - Cāritra from the ordinary point of view - know cāritra to be refraining from what is harmful and engagement in what is beneficial. According to ordinary point of view cāritra (conduct) has been mentioned by the Jina to consist of Vrata, Samiti and Gupti.
Dr. 45. निश्चयसम्यक्चारित्र-NiscayaSamyak cāritra - That checking of external and internal actions by one who has knowledge, in order to destroy the causes of Samsāra, is the excellent samyak cāritra mentioned by the Jina. Dr. 46.
vyavahara moksa mārga . व्यवहार H arf - Belief in the padārthas such as dharma and in their respective value is right belief. Understanding the scriptures which are divided into an gas and pūrvas is right knowledge. Conduct according to the twelve kinds of tapas is right conduct. These three from the practical point of view form the path of liberation.
1987 79 Favaru Hatarf - From the ordinary point of view, perfect faith, knowledge and conduct are the causes of liberation, while really one's own soul consisting of these three (is the cause of liberation). The three Jewels (i.e. perfect faith, perfect knowledge and perfectconduct)do not exist in any other substance excepting the soul. Therefore, the soul surely is the cause of liberation.
Dr. 39-40 Vyavahararatnatraya-व्यवहार रत्नत्रयis constituted by faith, knowledge and conduct, which are based upon objective ideals (Para tattvas). Belief in an objective divinily independent of our self for example, would be practical faith. Knowledge of such alien entities would be vyavahāra knowledge and attempting to realise our ideals and aspirations through the help of such alien personalities either through sacrifices or propiciations is vyavahāra cāritra. These three constitute vyavahāra cāritra. Vyavah āra and niscaya ratnatraya29ER 2011 Figaro Tr54 - Just as knowledge, belief and conduct of a person called Devadatta, can not have separate and independent existence apart from