Visama dhārā - विषम धारा
Viṣaya fa- Sensual pleasures, Object, Datum.
Visayā bhikā mksa - विषयाभिकांक्षाDesire for worldly pleasures.. Visayati ta - विषयातीत - One who has renounced all worldly occupations and possessions, Supersensuous. Viṣayi-fauit - Voluptuous. Visesan asiddha - विशेषणासिद्ध - Unproved by adjective. Viskambhasüci - विष्कम्भ सूची - Linear width/breadth.
Visesa vyāpti - विशेष व्याप्ति - Special form of invariable concommitance. Visesyāsiddha - विशेष्यासिद्ध - Unproved by substantive form. Viş kambha fa- Diameter. Vi's āla udara - विशाल उदर Pot bellied.
Visista fa- Typical. Visrasopacaya - विस्रसोपचय - Naturally attendant, Natural accumulation. Vistara-far- Detail/width/Diameter, Ramification.
Vitanda वितण्डा - Cavil.
Vistarita faceta - Stretched. Vistṛtafa Mammoth. Vitatha vyāhāra- वितथ व्याहार - False - hood.
Vitarka-fan-Conceptual thinking. Vitarka-fan-is scriptural knowlS-9/43
Vitana fa-Canopy. Vivarta-fad-When a thing falsely appears as another it is called vivarta.
Viveka fad - Discrimination. Viveka-fa-Discrimination - The separation of food, drink, implements of sense control etc. is discrimination. S-9/22
Viveka Jπ ana-fa-Discriminative knowledge.
Vividhata - fafam - Variation.
Vivikta sayyasana - विविक्त शय्यासन Lonely habitation, Sleeping and resting in lonely places. Vivrta - faqa - Exposed. Viyojaka fa- Disjunctive. Visada - fau - Depression. Vima msa - Causistry. Vina -- A kind of Banjo. Viranatha--Among his sports of boyhood, there is a traditional story that Mahavira brought under control a terrific serpent. Consequently and symbolic of this feat of bravery, he got the title Mahavira and Viranatha. Virauşadhi rddhi - वीरौषधि ऋद्धि Where the excrement if touched will cure disease.
Virya - Energy, Power of soul
to know and see.
Virya-ananta -317
virya vi'sesa - वीर्य विशेष - Peculliar
Viryātmā. - Both liberated and non-liberated jivas are full of energy and hence are called viryātmā. Viryantaraya - वीर्यान्तराय - Power interference.
vīryāntarāya karma - वीर्यान्तराय कर्म - Energy obstructive karma.