(292) Viruddha graha - fare la Te - Ob- Višleşaņa - farstom - Adjunct. structed state.
Visesanasiddha विशेषणासिद्ध-NonViruddha hetvābhāsa-fatas eran existent adjective. - Contradictory premise fallacy.
Višesa saili - fasta stent - PredilecVirudhopalabdhi-fancles fou - cog
tion. nised in compatible.
Viseşatah - fagten: - Significantly. Viruddharajyatikrama- विरुद्धराज्या
Vises antara . fasterare - Additional तिक्रम - Under buying in a disordered
više șa. state. Virūpatā - fara 9 - Contrary.
Višeşya - faste - Substantive.
Visphärita - fazaifa - Farther. Visama - fan - Uneven. Visamvada · fariani - Deception,
Visamvāda - fartiake - Discrepancy. Deceiving others, discrepant.
Visesyasiddha - विशेष्यासिद्ध - NonVisamvāda- fariare - Deceiving oth
existent in respect of the substantive. ers.
Višeșa - fasta - Common difference, Visasyojana - fatalog - Dissocia- specific, particularity. tion.
Višis tādvaita - fafTEISE - The docVisala - farlic - Colossal.
trine of unity. Vistāra - fassir - Expansion, Exten
forme - The protector God of the Hindu sion.
Pantheon. Visada - faste - Clear, Elaborate,
Visuddhi - faglione - Purity. Immediate, lucid.
Visuddhi labdhi - false fal - Virtue Visadikaraņa - faggio 07 - Elabora- attainment. tion.
faglige oplo - After this initial asserVishālakāra-faxustar - Spacious.
tion of spiritual independence there may
appear a change of disposition in the faxta - Difference (višeşa) holds an nature of Jiva which may there after be important place in the vaise sika sys- hankering for good. This hankering for tem, inasmuch as, by virtue of it the good may manifest in good and useful difference of the atoms renders pos- conduct (yuey) And as such it may be sible the formation of the universe. The
the condition for Punya karma Āsrava. name, therefore, of the entire system,
Nevertheless the declension of the disVaišesika, is derived from the word for
position towards good is Visuddha difference (fata) It should however, Labdhi. be noted here that difference is attached
Visvarūpa - faza 464 - Manifold. not merely to atoms but also, as noticed
Visvatomukha- विश्वतोमुख-Comprebelow, to all the ultimate entities forming the basis of the distinctions among
hensive of all issues. such entities.
Vis ama-fan - Equations with several unknowns.