Vipar i ta mithyā darśana - foresta folgsf7 - Contrary attitudes - An asceltc with material possessions is a passionless saint "The omniscient lord takes morsels of food.' 'Woman attains liberation. These are contrary attitudes.
S-8/1 Vipar i ta vyatireka-faustaafatat - Contrary separation. Vipar i ta vyati reki - farta afatet - Reversed negative con-comitance. Viparita vyapti - विपरीत व्याप्ति - Inverse pervasion. Vipari tānvaya - fantages. Reversed concomitance in agreement, Inverted connection. Vipäka-fa416 - Ripening of karmas, Ripening, Fruition, The resultant. vina.aton - Lyre. Vipaka - fa410 - Ripening. Vipaka-fa412 - is distinctive variegated ripening.
S-8/21 Vipā ka vicaya-fagra fare - Respec- ting the fruition of karmas. . Vipa kodaya - faucnicy - Affecting rise. Viparyaya - fauefa - Reversion. faueta - Viparyaya or illusion consists in determining (a thing from one aspect which is different (form a thing in its entirety). As for instance (to determine) that it is silver (on looking) at an oystershell.
P. 1/9-10 Vipramokša - fayette - Complete freedom from karmas. Vipratipatti - faufaefer - Misunderstanding, Controversy. Vipula - fayri - Profuse.
Vipulā cala - faycrest - The mount Vipulácala, near Rajagrha (in Bibar) is the important and sacred place, where the divine sermon of lord Mahāveera was first delivered. Since then the Virasā sana Jayanti is being celebrated on the Ist day of the black half of Śrāvana. Vipulamati - fayrefa - The second type of telepathy, Complex telepathy. Vipulataya - Faycan-Uninterrupted. Viralana deya - farma 4 Spread distribution. Virām. facra - Repose. Virata - fara - Abstinence. Viratā virata - falcaifaca - A householder who observes guņavratas and sik sāvratas is called Viratāvirata, i.e. one who observes abstinece as well as non-abstinence. Virati-farfa - Abstinence, Refraining. Virādhana - FARTETTI - Disservice. Virāga vicaya - farm face - Respecting things which engender the spirit of vairāgya. Virāsata. facrta - Gleaning Virodh i- fazient - Antilogous, Inimical, contrapositions. Virodhi hi msa - fartant fé hi - Violence in defence. Viruddha - foto - contradicted, Contrary, Inverted, Inconsistent, Contradictory, Opposed. Viruddha - Kāryopalabdhi - farmace criterion - Occurrence of Contradic
tory effect · Viruddha avyabhicāri - fare e staf4
are - Non - err oneous contradiction.,