sāmācāri) and (d) deportment qua solitary life (Ekal vihāra sāmācāri). 2. faer – (Śruta vinaya - discipline qua learning) - It is fourfold, viz -(a) teaching the recitation of sutra (b) bringring home the meaning of the sutras. (c) Teaching according to the capacity of the student or teaching what is beneficial to the student. (d) Teaching the sutras completely without any residue.
3. विक्षेपणा विनय - (Viksepan ā vinaya -discipline qua assurance by dissuading the student from wrong faith) - It is fourfold, viz (a) Training the student in what was not understood by him before and firmly convincing him of the new knowledge (b) To train the student who has thus understood the truth in the discipline practised by the acaryahimself (c) Re-establishing him in the righteousness from which he had fallen down, and (d) exertion of the ācārya himself ceaselessly for the welfare, joy, forbearance, emancipation and coutinuity of the righteousess. 4. दोषनिर्धातन विनय - (Dosanirghātana vinaya - Discipline qua eradication of passions) - It is of four kinds viz. (a) calming down the anger of the angry (b) Calming down the hatred of the hateful (c) Removal of the doubt of the doubtful and (d) Making the student perfectly self possessed andequipoised. Tulsi prajaйā. P. 33 Vinayah i na - विनय हीन - Lacking humility.
Vinaya pratipatti विनय प्रतिपत्ति Practice of disciplin.
Vinaya mithyātva विनय मिथ्यात्व Fallacious veneratio. False belief of
the types of paying respect of reverence indiscriminately to all true, untrue gods, preceptors & scriptures etc. Vinaya mithyatva - विनय मिथ्यात्व - All gods are one and all religions are the same these are non-discriminating attitudes. S - 8/1 Vinay sampannatà - विनय सम्पन्नता Homge to the three Jewels which lead to liberation and the preceptors and the rest who initiate others in the path to liberation.
विनय शुद्धि
Vinaya suddhi purification of the sense or feeling of reverence and respect.
Vinaya tapa - विनय तप- Austerity of
Vina's a fa- Cessation. Vinita fa- Modest.
Vinyasa rekha - विन्यास रेखा Line plan.
Vā ņa - वीणा - Lyre. Vipaksa-fa-Heterologue, Counter
proposition. Vipakṣata-faч- Contrary dispo
Vipaks a nupalambha - विपक्षानुपलम्भ Non experience in the opposite. Vipar i ta - fa- Perverted conviction, Contrary attitude, Erroneons, perverse.
Vipar i ta khan dana - विपरीत खण्डन - Contrary rejoinder.
Viparyaya - विपर्यय Wrong knowledge, Illusion, Distortion, Error, Indecision, Alienated, Contrary to oneś na
Viparitabhiniveśa - विपरीताभिनिवेश - Reversal, Perversity, Reverse notions.