place there. It, however, differs from grow together so as to constitute a comthe ordinary manner of being born for pound in the centre, the systematical humanity in so far as the full develop- lines of the hollow piches in their trunks ment of adolescence is attained only would very naturally look like rows of within a period of forty nine days from rooms in a mansion. the day of birth. But the parents are arrefout chat FCA - (Life of Bhoganever destined to have the pleasure of
bhūmijas) - There is no sense of propbeholding the faces of their Progeny.
erty or appropriation known in the They die the same instant that the chil
Bhogabhūmis. Nature is too lavishly dren are born, the mother dying of a
abundant for that to be necessary. sneeze and the father of a yawn. The
Crimes, too, are not committed by the bhogabhūmijas are born twins -a male
Bhogabhūmijas. All the three principal and a female together. When they grow
causes of crime - namely woman, land up they become husbandand wife. They
and gold - are wanting there. The two do not have to waste any part of their
last-named are to be had in such abunlife in sleep; they do not perspire; and
dance that nobody cares to be burdened excrements are not formed in their bod
with the worry that is implied in putting ies. Their eyes are always kept open,
oneself in proprietary relationship with and they take food after three days. The
them. And woman is not an inducement quantity taken is never more than the
to crime inasmuch as strong pre-natal weight of a plum, though it may be less
attachment of the twins for each other in some places. The female
is a guarantee against moral laxity of Bhogabhūmija conceives but once, and
every kind. The Bhogabhūmijas, as a that only at the end of her life!
rule, are intelligent and virtuous. They cocugnan - There are ten kinds of spe
know the arts of singing and dancing cial tree like things with which the
and are proficient in other accomplishlucky residents of Bhogabhūmis sat
R. Page-30-33 isfy their wants. Food, drinks, clothes Bhogabhū mi - T49 - The regions (from their silky barks), plates and cups, of enioyment, as the objects of enjoyornaments (flowery decorations), flow
mentare provided by ten kinds of desire ers, perfumes, musical instruments
- fulfilling trees. (flutes and the like) are all supplied in
Bhogya - spray - Enjoyable. abundance by these Vikshas (Trees). There are trees also that radiate pow
__Bhoganarthakya - भोगानर्थक्य - Miserful Phosphorescence all round, and use of articles of use. the illumination is strong enough to Bhojana kathā 4759 765271 - Food outshine the light of the sun and the gossip. moon, if it does penetrate into regions Bhrmgara - DR - Jars. of the Bhogabhūmis. These trees also
Bhojanshala . भोजन शाला - Dining supply residences and Pavilions for the
room. use of the lucky residents. Probably
Bhraş ta - e - Deviated. their hollow trunks have to do duty for rooms and if a certain number of them Bhranta - YTT - Invalid, Incorrect.