Bhranti - Lapse of memory, Illusions.
Bhujagara / Bhujakāra bandha भुजगार / भुजकार बन्ध - Armlike bond. Bhujyamānaāyu- भुज्यमान आयु - Serviceable age.
Bhuja bandha - भुजबन्ध Armlet. Bhumi - भूमि - Stage. Bhūmitala - भूमितल - Ground floor. Bhuta Elements, Phanter or demon. Bhūta naigama naya - भूत नैगम नय Past figurative purport.
Bhuta sarira - - Past body. Bhūta vigama - भूत विगम - Detach
ment. from the elements.
भूवलय (Bhuvalaya) The most remarkable kannada work called "Bhuvalaya", the first part of which has been published by Sarvartha Siddhi Sangha of Bangalore, is attributed to Digambara saint Kumudendu. There can be little doubt that Kumudendu was a disciple of V i rasena and contemporary of Jina-sena and Amogha-Varsa of Manyakhe ta. The Bhuvalaya is composed in the form of mathematical tables assigning the numbers 1-64 to the 64 letters of our Alphabet. Kumudendu mentions Jaya Dhavala, Vijaya
Dhavala, Atisaya Dhavala, Maha Dhavala and Jaya Sila Dhavala (Aine Dhavalas) in Ch. 10, 209-212. These became the titles of Amogha-Varşa also (Ch. 9, 169-172). Amogha var sa Nṛpatung as Kannada work Kaviraja marga' gives him the title 'Ati saya Dhavala. Kumudendu by the
Ankaksaramethod claims that the work Bhuvalaya can be read in 718 languages, and includes 363 Philosophical systems, 64 kalas and infact all arts and sciences in the world. The work contains 6 Lakhs of verses according to the poet, nearly six times, the size of the Mahabharata. It is not merely a freak or curiosity like a cross word Puzzle or an acrostic but a veritable compendium of Indian culture in general and of Jainism in particular. Kumudendu, though a Digambara mentions the Angas, Angabahira, the works of Bhutabali, Kundakunda, Uma svati, Samanta bhadra, Pujyapada, Cuḍāmuni etc. Many of them now lost, but included in his Bhu valaya. Similarly he gives the real Rama yana of Valmiki, the JayaKhyana of Vyasa (the nucleus of the present Mahabha-rata) and the Bhagvad Gita in five different languages. For a critical study of the Mahabharata and Gita Bhuvalaya seems to be indispensable. It is necessary therefore to examine the authenticity of the Parampara of Kumudendu. He gives the list of SenaGana. Puspagaccha down to prabhavasena, Dharasena and Bhutabali, then in the Sanskrit Bandha. भूतबलि, गुणधर, आर्यमंक्षु, नागहस्ति, यतिवृषभ, वीरसेनाभ्याम्, विरचितम् श्री श्रोतारः सावधानतया squary 1
As in the Jaya Dhvala ti kā of Jinasena, Kumudendu was the disciple of Vi rasena. A. 108-109.