Bhedābheda vāda भेदाभेदवाद - or Dvaitādvaitavada - या द्वैताद्वैतवाद - A doctrine of identity in difference or of Unity in diversity.
Bheda-curnika, Pratara, An ucatana - भेद- चूर्णिका प्रतर, अणुचटनSplitting layered, Particle splitting. Bheda-Curna/Utkara --uf3-Splitting-Powder, piece. Bheda--Division or separation is of six kinds, sawing a piece of wood, grinding, Barley, wheat etc. into four threshing out black gram, green gram etc., dividing mica into many layers and emitting sparks of fire by hammering a red hot ball of iron etc. S-5/24 Bheda jana--Discriminating science.
Bhedaikānta • भेदैकान्त - Exclusive momentariness.
Bheri --Kettle drum.
Bhiks acarya - भिक्षाचर्या - Going out on begging tour.
Bhiks a suddhi-fan-Purification of obtaining of food.
Bhima and Mahabhi ma - भीम तथा महाभीम
These are two lords of Rāk sasas. S-4/6 Bhinnaf Fraction, Divergent. Bhinnābhinnavada - भिन्नाभिन्नवाद - The doctrine of identity in difference. Bhinnamuhurta or antarmuhurtaभिन्नमुहूर्त या अन्तर्मुहूर्त - One muhūrta) minus one samaya (i.e. minus 2 or more instants till the result is one a vali or one samaya) is bhinna or (Antara) muhurta. Muhurta reduced by an in
Bhinna parikarma aş taka - f परिकर्म अष्टक - Fraction eight operation. Bhinna visayatva - भिन्न विषयत्व Conversant with different objects. Bhitta-fl-Sub-base of a temple. Bhitti-fufa-Graffiti.
Bhitti citra-fafa fa-Stucco embellishment.
Bhitti kalaffa - Mural art. Bhitti stambha-ff-Pilasters. Bhirutva - Fearfulness. Bhokta-- Enjoyer.
Bhoktrtva--Enjoyment, sensual pleasures, gratification, Indulgence in the object of nose, Eyes and ear
Bhogabhūmi - भोगभूमि - Enjoyment region.
भोगभूमि - The term Bhogabhūmi is a compound of Bhoga (enjoyment) and Bhumi (Land), and signifies the region where, like heavens, the residents have not to earn their bread by sweating in any sense. The regions where men have to work for their livelihood are termed karmabhumi (Lands of action). Only those who have performed highly meritorious deeds are born in Bhog bhumis. The true Bhogabhumis are, no doubt, heavens alone, where the conditions of life are the most pleasant, and which yield the utmost of satisfaction to the senses. The Bhogabhumis come after the heavens and are the superior to our earth, in respect of the pleasures that the people enjoy there. भोगभूमिज का जन्म The birth of Bhogabhumija is in the manner of the flesh in so far as a conception does take