(205) Pratir ūpaņa - UF44 - Modelling. Prativādi - yfirgrit - Opponent. ' Pratisalākā Kuņd-fa21611967 SIUS - Prati ka - yritas - Pantheon, Emblem. Counter counting rod well.
Pratita - unita - Already known. Pratisandhi - ufafans - Birth, Coordinating cognition.
Pratitantra - ufoca - Counter dog
mas. . . ., Pratisa mkhya - ufanin - Dircursive thought
Pratiityasamutpada- प्रतीत्यसमुत्पादPratisarana - ufory - Pursuit of the
Dependent origination, Casually deter
mined. Pratisevanā - udahi - Transgres
Pra i cchaka-udaga - Guest monks. sion.
Pratidrstānta sama - sfarceraria - Pratişedba - ufania - Negation. Balancing counter example. Pratis thā - umor - Fixing, Conse- Pratīghāta - yana - Obstruction. cration.
Pratishatarahita-प्रतीघातरहित-WithPratis thāpana - sf147 - InstallFratis thapana - SI8147 - Install- out impediment. ing, Placing things, Consecration. Pratyabhijnana - प्रत्यभिज्ञान - RecogPratis thāpita - umef-Enshrined, nition. Consecrated.
Pratyabhij nāna - raffin - RecogPratisthapana samiti . प्रतिष्ठापन
nition - This is that only' is recognition. ufafa-Disciplineindepositing excreta.
S-5/31 Pratisthāpanā - yfer 1991 - Counter Pratyakşa-yr - Direct knowledge, demonstration.
Perceptual, Visible. Pratis thita - ufaisa - Consecrated,
Sakala Pratyaksa- h ra-ComEnshrined.
plete direct knowledge. Pratisthita pratyeka - प्रतिष्ठित प्रत्येक Vikala pratyaksa- विकल प्रत्यक्ष - In
complete direct knowledge. - Individual with hostbodies, Common bodied individual.
Pratyakṣa pramāņa yra 4419 - प्रतिष्ठित प्रत्येक - Vegetables which
Direct or immediate way of knowing,
Driect knowledge. grow from a root (Mūla), from the
Pratyaksa bądhita · Hafen - : shoot (Agra), (of a plant), from a Joint
Refutable. (Parva), from a bulb, (Kānda), from
Pravacana bhati. प्रवचन भक्ति - The Trunk (Skandha), from seed (Beeja) and vegetables which have no such
worship of the scriptures. S-6/24 seed as moot etc. ( F ) have been
Pravacanavatsalya- प्रवचन वात्सल्यdeclared (to be) individual with bost
Love and affection for one's brethren is bodies (Pratisthita Pratyeka), or with
similar to the tender love of the cow for
her calf. out them (non-host - ufafon).
Pravicara - Vater - Sexual desire. Pratiyogi - ufreni - Counterpart.