Prāņa.910 - Vitalities. The Vitali- ties or life-principles are ten, namely the five senses, energy, respiration, life duration, the organ of speech and the mind. The one sensed lives possess four vitalities, the two sensed six, the three sensed seven, thefour sensed eight, the irrational five sensed nine and the national five sensed all the ten.
Reality P. 196 Difference between paryāpti and prāna. Taffet 71941 yr PR - Paryāpti is the attainment of the capacity of developing body, mind, speech and the five senses, while pra na is the activity of those functionaries. Prthaktva - Yereka - Separation, Separateness. Prathak vikriyā - 999 farsfiel - Separable transformation. Prthvikaya - gezichra - Earth bodied. Pratibadhyapratibandhaka bhāvaप्रतिबध्य प्रतिबन्धक भाव - Theobstructive opposition. Pratibandhita - frafen - Circumvented Pratibhāsa - yfer - Phenomena. Pratibhāsita - ufauftra - Envisaged. Pratibuddha - ufaqes - One with discriminative knowledge. Prati drstantasama . प्रतिदृष्टान्तसमा - Parity per counter instance. Pratiji vi - sfarsiteit - Negative. . Pratij nā - ufafli - Proposition. Pratijñāhāni - sfa5leifa - Abandonment of the thesis.
Pratikramana - yfishu - Repentence, Recounting the unexpiated sins and repenting for them. Pratiksana Parinama - uforama - 0174- Momentary modification. Pratikṣaṇa vina's i bhāva - ufalator fanisiteta - Perishing moments. Pratilomitva - ufafia - Inversal. Pratima - ufam - Image, Idol, Icon, Colossi. Pratima sthana - प्रतिमा स्थान - Postures. Prațimā vijnana - yfem fagita - Iconography. Iconography.
! Pratimukhi - yauat - Opposing. Protipaksa - sfargen - Counterthesis. Pratiniyata vācya vācaka bhāva - ufafrin 0124-argo, 1979 - Every distinctive meaning needs a distinctive word. Pratipatti - ufaufa - Continued cognition. Pratiphalana · wf14549 - Consequentialities. Pratiprcchanā - ufayett - Critical enquiry, Confirmation of permission or obtaining a fresh permission for what has once been refused.
Āvasyaka Niryukti V. 697 Pratirupa and Apratirupa - प्रतिरूप तथा अप्रतिरूप - These are two lords of Bhūtas.
S-416 Pratirūpaka vyavahāra - ufaranga 2496R - Adulteration. Pratirupaka Vyavahara . प्रतिरूपक 29ER - Deceiving others with artificial or imitation goods.