ception of eleven Pratim ās appears to be the best way of exhibiting the rules of conduct prescribed for the Jaina lay- men. The eleven Pratimas are as fol- lows :(1) gyfart - Darsana Pratimā, i.e. Possessing the perfect, intelligent and well reasoned faith in Jainism, that is, having a sound knowledge of its doc- trines and their applications in life. (ii) an THT - Vrata Pratimā - i.e. keeping up the twelve vows and the extra vow of Sallekhanā. (iii) Frifa yfiht - Sāmāyika Pratim . - i.e.worshipping regularly, in general for forty two minutes, three times daily; worship means self-contemplation and purifying one's ideas and emotions. (iv) retuara THT-i.e. fasting regularly, as a rule, twice a fortnight in each lunar month. (v) सचित्त त्याग प्रतिमा-i.e. Refraining from eating uncooked-vegetables, plucking fruits from a tree and the like. (vi) THOR PITT UTHT - i.e. abstain- ing from food after sunset. (vii) ब्रह्मचर्य प्रतिमा-Maintaining sexual purity vow assuming the stricter aspect of celibacy and also not decorating one's person. (viii) IRERIRT ufahl - Abandonment of merely worldly engagements and occupations. (ix) ufufruntufrat - Divesting oneself of wealth by dividing one's property among one's heirs and training oneself generally to bear the hardships incidental to a life of asceticism. (x) 3194fa un fat - Increasing the rigour of living in the direction of as
ceticism and refraining even from giving advice on matters relating to family honour, business and the like. (xi) Fee RMT UTAT - After renunciation of housebolder's life, retiring into forest and adopting the rules laid down for the guidance of ascetics.
J. 213 Pratipattika jnana - ufayfa 1 - Confirmed knowledge. Pratipata - yferyna - Counterfall. Pratipa ta - yferyna - Irrelevent talk. Pratipāti-avadhi - ufayfa 3tafa -. Counter falling clairvoyance. Pratipati manah paryaya - ufafaha: yepy - Counterfalling telepathy. Pratipā dyama na - T18147 - Proceding, present at first instant. Pratipattika jnana - ufauferat 317 - Confirmed knowledge. Pratiratha-foret - Projection coming between the bhadra and karana. Pratişthā - ufret - Fixing. Pratir ū paņa - yfeira 40 - Modelling. Pratis tbita - ufarsa - Enshrined, consecrated. Prativādi - sferarci - Adversaries. Prati kāra - core - Palliative. Pratyakhyānāvaraṇa kas āya-pl ख्यानावरण कषाय - Total vow preventing passions. Pratyagala - MIST - Antigulp. Pratyāval i-rurari - Second trailor anti trail. Pratyayik i Kriya - yrrutett fehen - is the invention of novel sense enjoyment.