(206) Pratyeka sariranāma karma-spelet Pratyasatti - frufe - Peculiar facRR 7146.- That which couses an ulty. individual body for the use of a single Pratyāval i . erant - Anti trail. self, is the nā ma-karma of individual body.
S-8/11 Pratyavartanatā - orada - RePratyaya - 19 - Knowledge, Cause, peated determination, Peculiar connecvision, Inter-relation Causal, Condi- tion. tions, Karmic condition, Particle. Pratyāvartita - rada - Reverted. Pratyayabheditva-typycra - Being Pratyeka bodhita - p allet - Selfvariable with the variation of causal enlightenment. factors.
Pratyeka buddha - प्रत्येक बुद्ध - SelfPratyayanuyoga - प्रत्ययानुयोग - Re .
enlightened. interrogation.
Pratyeka buddhi rddhi - प्रत्येक बुद्धि Pratyaya sarga - yppe af - Psychical
Telesco - Every intelligence prodigy. creation. Pratyayavrtti - प्रत्ययवृत्ति - Feeling of
Pratyeka sarira - treich - Indi
vidual body, Possession of individual ascertainment.
body. Pratyagala · TMT - Anti gulp
Pratyekasariravargana- प्रत्येक शरीर operation.
furt - Individual body molecule. Pratyabāra - SPIER - Withdrawl of the mind.
Pratyupek sana 4440 - Survey. Pratyākhyāna - tren - Repul
Pratyupek şaka - Tyres - Inspecsion. The discriminative knowledge of
tion Party. the self leads to discarding all alien Pratyutpanna - Yrr 47 - Multiplicadispositions, Knowing then to be en- tion. tirely foreign to the nature of the self. Prausaddha - TT&T - A religious Therefore in reality, this discriminative practice in which the lay follwoerspends knowledge of the self shall be known a night like a monk. He keeps away as pratyākhyā na.
from his life and normal family. Pratyakhyanavarana - प्रत्याख्याना- Pravacana bhakti - 1097 ART - acon- That which arrests complete ab
Devotion to scriptures. stinence of the ascetic, Confutation ___Pravacana vatsalya - प्रवचन वात्सल्य - screen. Preventing complete self-con- Affection for the congregation of saints. trol, Passions hindering complete self Pravartamāna yartina - A priori. discipline.
Pravartan ā .yadh - Origination. Pratyakhya na parij na . Then: Prava hamaya - 491649 - Spontaneyf51- Cultivation of renunciation. Pratyākhyāni - Treni - Renun- Pravāla - yana - Coral.. ciative.