Acit.3far - Matter. Acitta - 34fant - Matter without life. Acittadravyabhava- अचित्त द्रव्य भाव- Non-conscious phase. Acitta dravya sparsana - 3tfan 524 44879 - Non-conscious fluent touch. Acitta dravyakala- अचित्त द्रव्य कालNon-conscious fluent period. Acitta dravyakrti - 39fan Gallgefa - Non-conscious fluent figuration. Acitta dravya kşetra -34125 g 29 - Non-conscious fluent quarter. Acitta dravya niksepa - 3faat com fata - Non conscious fluent installation. Acitta no-āgama dravya - 3 fare 341"TA - Non-conscious quasi revalation fluent. Acitta para dravya. अचित्त पर द्रव्य - Inanimate objects in the environment. Acitta tad dravyantara - अचित्त तद् Gall - Non conscious (Fluent interval).
Acitta tad vyatirikta . अचित्त caufafakt- Non-conscious very distinct. Acitta yoni - gyfer gift - Non-conscious Vaginal class. Acyuti - 3tayfa - Indestructibility. Adantadhavana - अदन्त धावन - Noncleaning the teeth. Adarsana - 346977 - Non-intuition, Non-vision. Adarsana - 31G¥7 - Lack of faith. Adattādā naviramana अदत्तादानविरमण - Not to accept when not rightly bestowed. Adattahara . 376 116T - A thief who takes away without being given.
Adbhuta . 37645 - Fantastic. Addhā - 3751 - Time, period. Addha cheda . अद्धा छेद - Nisus life time Addhāpalya - 37 1964 - Pitset period. Addhāsamaya -346444 - The smallest i.e. indivisible part of a time. Addhāsāgara - 3aGKATR - Sea set period. Addha SamayaRasi- अद्धासमय राशिSea set, instant set. Adhah - 3781: - Lower. Adhah pravrtta - 379:4ę - Lowtended. Adhah pravrttakarana - 3787: -
UT- Lower thought activity, Lowtended operation. Adhah pravrtta bhāgahāra - 379: YAT TER - Low tended division. Adhabpravrtta samkramaņa - Lowtended transition. Adhahpravrtta sam kramaņa -3781: You HSS 40 - Low tended transition. Adhahvyatikrama-अध:व्यतिक्रम-Exceeding the limits set in the directions, namely downwards. Adhama - 37TH - Lowly. Adharama – 378 - Demerit. Adharma Dravya - 3787GOL - Principal of rest, Not other fluent, Inertial medium of rest causality continum. Adharmastikaya bandha -अधर्मास्तिकाय बन्ध - Nonether existent corporeal bond. Adhastana Krsti -अधस्तन कृष्टि - Lower tract. Adhastana vikalpa - अधस्तन विकल्प - Lower abstraction.