Adhastanarasi - अधस्तन राशि - Lower
Adhastana sirah अधस्तन शिर: Lower
Adharan a
Adhigama - अधिगम
Acquisition of
Adhigamaja - अधिगमज - Derived from
Adhika - अधिक - Superfluity. Adhikaraņa - अधिकरण Resting place, Substratum, Cases for settlement topic, Hypothetical dogma, Loci, The place in which the causes operate. The living and non living constitute the substrata. S-6/7. Adhikaraniki Kriya - अधिकरणिकी fl-is taking weapons of hurtfulness S-6/4
Adhika teja अधिक तेज - Excessive lustre.
Adhikarana siddhanta अधिकरण सिद्धान्त Conclusion accepted hypothetically.
Adhikata - अधिकता - Superfluity. Adhiracana- अधिरचना Superstruc
Adhisthāna - अधिष्ठान Moulded basement of a temple, Synonym for ved i bandha, Residence, Raised platform, Establishments, Plinth outline. Adhogalana - अधोगलन - Lower de
Adholokai - The nether regions, lower world, Lower universe. Adhovyatikrama - अधोव्यतिक्रम Lower reverse sequence.
Adhruva - Transient nature, Impermanent, Non eternal.
Adhruva avagraha - अध्रुव अवग्रह Transient apprehension.
Adhruva bandha - अध्रुव बन्ध Noneternal bond.
Adhyadhi dosa - अध्यधि दोष - The preparation of extra or additional food on seeing the saint.
Adhyatma Stha na - अध्यात्म स्थान - On account of the ignorance of its true nature, the ego may identify with the various objects and persons of the external world. This false feeling of oneness with external things has nothing to do with the pure self since the confusion is due to the interference of the physical objects.
Adhyavasana - अध्यवसान Determinate cognition, Thought condition, Determination.
Adhyayan - अध्ययन A chapter of scripture, Study.
Adhyasa-37-Erroneous transposition of attributes.
Adoşodbhāvana - अदोषोद्भावन - Exposure of what is not a defeat. Adrṣta-3-Unperceived, Unobserved, Invisible.
Advaita -- Single, Non-dual. Advaitavada - 39 -Monism. अद्वैतवाद में दोष- (Defects in absolutism of advaita)- In the absolutism of advaita, there is no possibility of science and nescience and bondage and liberation. Apta. Verse 25.
अद्वैतवाद का खण्डन (Refutation of monism) Advaita (monism) is not possible without dvaita (dualism) just as ahetu (non cause) cannot be had without