Abhinivesa - 39f4fad3 - Desire for life, Irrational predication. Abhinivesika - 3feftafeta - Irrational. Abhiprāya - 3464474 - Motifs. Abhiracana . 3f494 - Set-up. Abhi savā hāra - 37f49aret - Aphrodisical food. Abhisavahara - अभिषवाहार - Food which is stimulating. Abhisandhija - 3f7efers - Voluntary. Abhiseka - 377944 - Lustral bath. Abhisekotsava - 39f70cnya - Anointment ceremony. Abhişikta - fufti - Lustrated. Abhitāpa - 34f4aly - Assertion, Expression. Abhivyakta - 37121 - Explicit. Abhiyana - 34f74 - Campaign. Abhikṣṇa - 374127 - Frequent Abh i ksna Jñanopayoga - 3781207 ज्ञानोपयोग - Constant Contemplation of right knowledge. Incessant cultivation of knowledge of the soul and the other categories is constant contemplation of right knowledge. 5-6/24 Abhiksna Jnanopayoga - अभीक्ष्ण ज्ञानोपयोग-Ceaseless pursuitof Knowledge. Abhrānta - 374127 - Correct; Free from mistake, Devoid of doubt. Abhūta - 37 - Non-existent. Abhyantara Sambuka . अभ्यन्तर 9720 - Internally spiral like a conch. Abhyanuj ñ ã -37RTEFT - Admission. Abh: asta - 37824474 - Accustomed.
Abhyudaya - 37RY69 - Worldly prosperity. Abhyugama - 37 ore - Implied dogma. Abhyutthāna - 370741 - Rendering service to the origination in respect of food, medicine etc. Abodhi - 3tallfe- Ignorance of the truth. Abrahma - 3 - Incontinence, Unchastity. Abrahma - JET - Unchaste - Not chaste is unchaste, what is it? It is copulation. Copulation promotes injury etc. He who indulges in copulation causes injury of immobile and mobile beings. He utters falsehood, takes away things not given and accumulates possessions both living and non-living.
S-7/16 Acaks udarsana-37749fa- Perception through non-visual senses, nonocular perception, Perception by the senses other than eyes. Acala - 3706 - Everlasting, Immutable, Actionless. Acalapradesa . अचल प्रदेश - Stable point, particle. Acalatā - 370CA - Being immobile. Acalāvali - 30cant - Invariant trail Acchanda - 37050F - Dependent on others. Acela Dharma - BeF - Nudity. Acelaka - 34216706 - Without clothes. Acelakatva - अचेलकत्व - Nakedness Acetana - 34269 - Insentient material, Inanimate, Non mental, Nonconscious. Acetana Dravya - अचेतन द्रव्य - Nonthinking substance. Acetanatā - Staden - Inanimateness. Acintya - safarma - Inconceivable.