T. N. Dharmadhikari
Further, Keith, while translating the Taittiriya Samhitā (TS) 5. 2. 10, (p. 415), f. n. 1), notes that the text of MS should obviously be corrected to read adad for yad which is non-sense'. He has suggested the correction, obviously on the basis of the TS 5. 2. 10 which reads Tifacier 4466 etc. In fact, the Kathaka Samhitā X. 9 also reads 37afacertara fa and supports this emendation. It may be noted here that, though the emendation is correct, it is based only on collateral literature, which cannot always be regarded as decisive, since such literature also show variant readings. Therefore this emendation needs further investigation into the original manuscripts of the MS.
The manuscripts of the MS kept in the custody of Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala, Adarsha Sanskrit Shodha Samsthā, (V. S. M) Pune, show the readings as follows :
Manuscript No. 4554 and 2337 34-facerrat i Manuscript No. 2738 HIGIERIYECEI A Manuscript from private collection (Saṁvat 1665) reads the text as 3 Afacerricca etc. Even though these manuscripts do not give the correct readings here, they furnish some further clues for emending the text, namely they have recorded 7 in Hageer as long. This word may, therefore, be split into 34-facery 3440 FT 37714 | The second udātta of BTHRACIEŃ (Satavalekar's edn.) can now be shifted to ś7 of 374g. Since I is replaced by 3pc the descrepancy of its (i. e of 6) being anudātta is also removed.
The pada-pātha (manuscript No. 14096 V. S. M.), though not very reliable and dependable, splits the text as 34facier facery I 3740 | SCI अन्नम् ।, and retains the tradition of अयत् instead of यत्, suggesting that the pada-pātha-kāra has long 21 in 377faERRG 14 in his tradition.
Since the meaning of the word 3PC cannot be satisfactorily interpreted in this context, it may be read as 376 (from Vad to eat), not only on the basis of the collateral literature of TS and KS, but also on the following arthavādanamely 3711 9afa i Thus the word G (Satavalekar) or 4 (Schroeder) be first read as 374% on the basis of manuscripts and then 344C be emended and read as अदत् । The helpderived from manuscripts accounts for ain अदत् ।