Dawoodbhai Ghanchi
What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In action, how like an angel!
In apprehension, how like a god! To ensure interdimensional synergy with the two other domains, namely social and global domains, various suitable tasks and experiences will have to be identified and offered to help the individual develop such capacities and traits as would embed his personality in the vast and variegated landscape of society in particular and global life in general. As a result there would emerge a sort of symphony of the interplay by the actors namely the individual, his society and the world community at large. (B) The Process for the Social Domain : The modern concept of education
subsumes the inclusion of the synergy of the various constituents of the social dimension, formal educational programmes and informal extracurricular activities and outreach initiatives. These will have to be so planned and carried out so as to make the social system a progressive, prosperous and proactive agency that should provide both security and challenges to the individual to operate as a responsible and sensitive : member of the society. The activities to be provided to the society through the individual student and his classmates, along with the teacher, would include some of the following ones. 1. Continuing adult education programmes for targetted groups like
farmers, working women, youth and others. Extension services to the society for specific needs like community hygiene, electoral awareness, microfinance etc. Professional/occupational skills training for better employability like computer literacy, small savings, retailing, marketing, communication skills etc. Capacity building programmes for example for civic citizenship, social reforms, mobilizing for specific missions like polio campaign, fighting against corruption and so on. Climate building like developing cooperation among social groups and organizations, forming peace committees, carrying out monitorial tasks for aangan vadi, for public distribution system,
for registering for aadhaar cards etc. 6. Providing training, experiences and even apprenticeship