Synergistic Role of Education in India of the 21st Century
required. Here is given a brief suggestive mechanism for such operation. This suggestive procedure is applicable to all stages of education, i.e. primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. (A) The Process for the Individual Domain : The individual is the prime
mover of the triple synergy. He is a growing human person. He has to be involved in numerous formative educational experiences appropriate for his age, as also for the type of education he has to receive. The chief areas of development of his personality are as under. 1. Physical, bodily needs of health, energy, nutrition, wellness,
productivity, protection against hazards like diseases, addictions, accidents etc. Psychological need s of developing specific faculties like mental health, reasoning, thinking, memorizing, decision making, communicating verbally as well as nonverbally, acquiring and
mastering language skills etc. 3. Emotional needs like developing emotional balance and
composure, acquiring traits and qualities of compassion, empathy,
righteous indignation at evils, coping skills etc. 4. Social development needs like developing team spirit, making
friends, taking leadership role, organizing mobilization, helping
the needy in different ways, even at personal cost etc. 5. Cultural development needs through cultivation of tastes, refined
aesthetics, appreciating beauty, rhythm and delightfulness, taking
active interest in arts, recreation pursuits etc. 6. Moral, ethical and spiritual needs, developing desirable values,
developing a proactive moral and civic character, standing for a noble cause etc. Technological skills for a productive, gainful and meaningful career for personal satisfaction as well as social contribution to the welfare of the community, developing entrepreneurship and risk
taking and innovative behaviour. In essence, there will be a concerted, well-focussed and pointedly targeted educational programme to harness the development process on all counts simultaneously to build up a holistic architecture of different dimensions of the individual's personality which would ultimately shape an integrated all round personality of the individual. It is such a beautifully and delicately sculpted personality that would meet the criteria Shakespeare laid down to call him MAN, the unique product of nature. Here are his words :