Homage to Acharyaratna Shri Deshabhushana Ji
Justice T.K. Tukol Retired Judge, High Court of Karnataka & Former Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University.
श्रुतमविकलं शुद्धा वृत्तिः परप्रतिबोधने परिणतिरुरूद्योगो मार्गप्रवर्तनसद्विधौ । बुधनुतिरनुत्सेको लोकज्ञता मृदुता स्पृहा यतिपतिगुणा यस्मिन्नन्ये च सोऽस्तु गुरुः सताम् ।।
"May he, who is possessed of the perfect knowledge of the scriptures, of pure character, well versed in enlightening others in the tenets of religion), ever engaged in the noble task of leading others to the right path of salvation, praised by the learned, free from temptations and endowed with such other virtues of great saints, be always our teacher."
Ātmanuśāsana (6)
When I thought of writing a short but humble tribute to revered Acharya Deshabhushana Mupi Maharaj on his completion of seventy years of his life, my mind was naturally overwhelmed with a feeling of great veneration for the Saint whose blessings during the last three decades have moulded my life and given direction to it. He has grown in sta ture. I find a graphic picture of his mental and spiritual attainments in what Acharya Shri Gunabhadra has said in a verse (quoted at the top) in his learned book known as Ārmānušāsana. Besides these qualities. I have found in him an enviable art of patient pursuasion working its charms on his audience by his sweet, clear and pious words of advice and guidance. He never gets excited amidst a volley of questions which he answers in his religious discourses by brief ethical stories as has been the practice of the ancient munis who have spread the glorious message of Bhagawan Mahaveera.
The first incident that I remember occurred in 1944 when I was privileged to have his darsana at Pandharpur when he was perhaps on his way to Kunthalagiri which is a place of pilgrimage, now in Maharashtra. During his stay. I used to attend bis daily discourses on different aspects of Jainism. He was pained to see that the Sravakas had a dispute over the management of the local Digambara Jaina Temple. He tried to pursuade the local gentry to an amicable settlement ; he fasted for three days and advised them about the futility of raising disputes over the management of a temple. I lent my humble support by offering to adjudicate on the rival claims by looking into their documents and other evidence. But human vanity for name and fleeting power had its sway over pious advice for unity and aparigraha. Though an ascetic unconcerned with worldly affairs, he was sad over the disharmony that was breeding disunity and bitterness amongst the members of a small community whose claims to be the followers of the immortal doctrines of Ahimsa and Truth found no stable basis in practice.
My next opportunity was during the year 1945 when he was spending his chatur masa in Galtaji which is a village in the Belgaum District. I could realise what a wonderful awakening he had created amongst the Jains and non-Jains by his daily discourses on the ethical principles of Jainism. His familiarity with rural life and aspirations lent reality to what he preached and his words went straight to the hearts of the people.
कालजयी व्यक्तित्व
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