People from neighbouring villages used to attend the discourses and it was a real delight to see how the villagers with all their innocence put questions on their difficulties in the practice of various principles in daily life. He used to emphasise the need of firm faith, of a sincere effort to understand the principles and of a determined will to practise what they had understood. The patience and the skill with which he tried to simplify the rules of conduct was remarkable. He used to impress on their minds the need of repeating the namokar mantra after morning bath every day and of taking food before sunset. The magnitude of the task he performed can be appreciated only by those who know that Jainas in rural areas, most of them being agricultu,ists, are either illiterates or semi-literates.
During the next few years, I had very few occasions of having his darshana. His discoures used to attract large crowds of people from all coinmunities who used to part in the vening wit grateful reverence for the new light shown to them.
The Jaina community must acknowledge how much it is indebted to the Acharya and to the other Saints like Charitra-Chakravarti Shantisagar Muni Maharaj for awakening the people to the principles of Jainism which are universal in concept and unique in practice; but for their efforts, many would have remained ignorant of their glorious inheritance and would have died without tasting the sweetness of Jina-vani.
It was a moment of exultation and wonder when I saw a crowd of aboit 20 thousand people, inen and women gathered at Kothali-Kuppanawadi to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Acharaya's birthday in 1964. It was presided over by me and the fuaction was inaugurated by th; then Chief Minister. Mr. S. Nijalingappa . The vast concourse of people loudly checred the Maharaja by cries of "Long live Muni Maharaja, may victory attend the Jaina religion." The Chief Minister sang the catholicity of Jainism, its practical ethics, the contribution of Ahimsa to world peace and of Jaina writers to the enrichment of Kannada literature. He was all praise for the simplicity of Jaina monks whose nudity and renunciation evoked the admiration of even the atheists. The Muni's sermon on the eternal principles of Jainism was marked for its brevity and for its universal appeal to practise religion in daily life to save humanity from further degeneration. My speech was an appeal to cultivate human values in the light of what the Acharya had advised them just then.
It is a point for emulation that the occasion did not end with speeches. Solid foundations were laid for the education of poor students by establishing an Ashrama and a High School in the twin villages where the students receive regular instruction in religion. A temple dedicated to the Twentyfour Tirthaakaras constructed at the Ashrama to commemorate the occasion exudes an atmosphere of religion and devotion. The two villages which have mostly a Jaina population have been pulsating with new life of religious enlightenment and piety. The institutions have been progressing with the blessings of the Acharya under the management of devout and dedicated Sravakas.
Five years later, the Jaina community celebrated the 65th Birthday of Acharyaratna Deshabhushanii at Belgaum with great pomp and enthusiasm. It was again my good fortune that I was called upon to preside over the occassion and the then Minister for Revenue, Mr. H. V. Kaujalgi, inaugurated the function. He too was eloquent over the catholicity of Jainism and the contribution it had made to Indian Culture. He paid rich tributes to the Muni Maharaj for spreading religious knowledge in different parts of the country and thus helping the cause of moral advancement in public life. The Muni Maharaj addressed the audience in eloquent terms emphasising the need to practice religion for a happy life here and for securing real happiness in the next world. As the audience consisted of many educated men and women, he dealt at some length on the meaning of Ratna-traya--the three gems of Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct-and explained how these qualities which were inherent in every soul were required to be realized by regulating our individual lives on the lines indicated by the Jinas. His speech was acclaimed even by the nonJainas both for its serenity and breadth of vision. I emphasised that the need of the hour was to narrow the
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