Vinayachandra Popatlal Daftari (1887A. D.), ‘Śrīmadní Jivanayātrā' by Gopaldas Jivabhai Patel (V. S. 1991), 'Srimad Rajacandra' by Brahmacarī Govardhandāsa (5th edn. V. S. 2016), ' Śrīmad Rājacandra Jîvana Prabha ' by Muni Punyavijayaji (V. S. 2017), ' Srimad Rajacandra Jivana- Rekha' by Manasukhabhai
Kiratchand Mehta (V. S. 2017), Srimad Rajacandra : Jivana Sadhana' by Mukulbhai Kalarthi (V. S. 2022), and 'Srimad Rajacandra: A Life' by Digish Mehta (1991 A.D.). The most comprehensive and exhaustive biography of Śrīmad is 'Adhyātma Rājacandra' written in Gujarati by Dr. Bhagavandas Manasukhabhai Mehta (second edn. V. S. 2047). It contains 108 chapters in 779 pages. As the title indicates, the author aims at tracing Śrīmad's spiritual evolution chronologically by conceiving three broad divisions and five sub-divisions in all. One of the most significant features of this work is its extremely flowery, ornamental, ornate and poetic language which many a time obstructs the inner flow of thought. There is no bound to author's devotion for Śrīmad which makes the writings frequently purely subjective. It is interesting to observe that the author happens to be the worthy son of one of Śrīmad's close disciples namely, Shri Manasukhabhai Kiratchand Mehta who