also has written a small biography of Śrīmad. In chapter No. 105, the author evaluates Śrímad's contribution to the world. According to him, Śrīmad's greatest contribution to the world is pure, unparallel, Pāramārthikåtmadrsti i.e. spiritual insight based on his own experience.
Then we may consider the independent editions of some of his works which with their prefaces, introductions and explanatory notes illuminate some important concepts of Śrīmad's philosophical thought. We have already noted that the best example of such a work is Ātmasiddhi which being his masterpeice has rightly attracted attention of many scholars.
Thus, for example, Dr. Sukhalal Sanghavi's article on "Ātmasiddhi' referred to above, is originally an introduction to Ātmasiddhi, edited by Mukulbhai Kalarthi. While critically and comparatively analysing the contents of Ātmasiddhi Sukhalalji has pointed out that self-realization being'the basis as well as the core, of 'Ātmasiddhi', it may rightly be designated as Ārmopanişad. Spiritual experience of Śrîmad, lucidly reflecting in this work, has bestowed universality to it. Dr. Sukhalalji compares the concepts discussed in this work such as 'ignorance', 'knowledge ', ' nature of