comprehensive view of various facets of Śrīmad's personality and writings while the second entitled 'Srimad Rājacandrani. Ātmopanis ad' gives a penetrating and critical appreciation of Śrīmad's famous work 'Ātřia-siddhi '.: .....::::
Then we may refer to śrīmad Rajchandra halfcentennial volume published from Agas in V. S. 2044. It includes some fifty articles related to śrīmad's life and works. Most of the articles and poems etc., do not add anything substantially new. However, the articles such as Dharmamūrti Srimad Rājacandraní Tvarita Gati' by Śrī Brahmacārī Govardhanadāsa, Srīmatksta Ātmasiddhi-Śāstra' by. Prof. D. B. Patel, “ śrīmadní Anupama 'Kịti-Śri Ātmasiddhi' by Brahmacārī Govardhanadāsa; a letter addressed to Shri Manasukhabhai Devasibhai by Shri Manasukha Kiratachand Mehta entitled ' Iññāni Ājñāni:Mahattva', a poem 'Macchu Kāțhano Mahājana ''by Shri Vallabhabhai Bhanaji Mehta are noteworthy. .
· The biographies of Srimad written by various authors in Gujarati, English etc., too form useful material for studying Śrīmad. Most of the writings of this type deal with both Srimad's life and his works together. We may refer to * Sākṣāta Sarasvatií ' by