Sirth Chapter
Thcsc 108 kinds can become of 432 kınds, if we consider cach Passion in its 4 aspects of 19921997' Error-fccding, ga Partial. vow-prei cnting, 7-915917 Total vow-proicnting and a 18 Perfect-right conduct-preventing)
SUTRA 9 निर्वर्तनानिक्षेपनयोगनिमर्गा द्विचतुर्द्वित्रिभेदा परम् ॥ ९ ॥ - Nirvartananikseposamy oganisarga dvichaturdvitrıbhedah param
The other aramziu, (1 c Dependence on the non-soul is of the following 11 kınds.)
2 (kinds of) farátai, Production ((1) Om Mulaguna, of the
body, speech, mind and respiration, (2) suwu Uttaraguna,
of books, pictures, statues, crc ] 4 (kınds of) Garag, Putting down (a thing (1) Mafora Apratya
veksita, without seeing, (2) 599 Duhpramnsta, petulantis, peevishly, (3) A Sahasa, hurricdly and (4) in Ana
bhoga, where it ought not to be put ] 2 (kinds of) to mixing up [(1) na Bhakta-pana food and
drink, (2) 3971CT Upkarana, miting up of things necessary
for doing any act] 3 (kands of farmaat, movement [by (1) 419 Kaya body, (2) 47K
Vanga spcech, and (3) 4a Mana mind ] 11 Total
SUTRA 10 तत्प्रदोपनिन्हवमात्सर्यान्तरायासादनोपघाता ज्ञानदर्शनावरणयो Tatpradosa ninhava matsaryantarayasadanopaghata jnana
darshanavaranayoh (1) ata, Depreciation of the learned (scriptures) (2) fresa, Concealment of knowledge (3) manel, Envy, jealousy Refusal to impart knowledge out of
envy (4) 3214, Obstruction Hindering the progress of knowledge. (5) marai, Denying the truth proclaimed by another, by body
and speech 3997, Retuting the truth, although it is known to be such