Tatyartha Sutima
SUTRI. 11 दुखगोकतापानन्दनवपरिवेदनान्यात्मपरोभयस्पान्य गट चस्य, ॥ ११ ॥ Duhkhashokalapakrandanabadhapurwedananyatmaparobna
yasthanyasadvedyasya (The inflow) of pain bringing-feeling (4119077 14 Asata-vedaniya) karmic matter is due to the following ) (1) 29 Duhkha, pain (2) Te shoka sorrow (3) at tapa,
rcpcntence, remorse (4) wyr Aki andana, weeping 5)
au, badha, depriving of vitality (6) fracai par zvedna, piteous or pathetic moaning to attract compassion
(Thcsc 6 can be produced) in ones own self, in another, or both (in one self and another Thus therc are 18 forms of this inflow
SUTRA 12 भूतव्रत्यनुकम्पादानसरागसयमादियोग क्षान्ति गौचमिति सद्यस्य ॥१२॥ BhutapTetyanu-kampadanasaragasemyamadıyogab ksantı
shauchamiti sadredyasye (1) 1974 Bhutanukampa, compassion for all living beings, (2) TRITE +97 vi atyanukampa, compassion for the vowers (3) Dana, charity, (4) 14 sai aga-samyama self-control with slight attachment, etc, [1 e, (5) 74H14 sangamasamyana, restrain by vows of some, but not of other passions, (6) alhai Akama-n11 jai a, equanimous submission to the fruition of karma (7) ama14 Balatapa, austerities not based upon tight knowledgc] (8) 47 Yoga, contemplation, (9) Gift Ksanti, forgiveness, and (10) Ve Shaucha, contentment-these (arc the cause of inflow) of pleasure-bcaring feeling karmic matter, (9182017, Sata vedaniya)
SUTRA 13 केवलिश्रुतसचधर्मदेवावर्णवादो दर्गनमोहम्य ॥ १३ ॥ Kevalıshrulasanghadharmadevavarnapadodarshanamohasya
(Thc inflow) of 1976 19 (Darshai mohaniya), right-belief-deluding karmic matter (15 caused by) T F avai navada, defaming the Omniscient Lord E A hat, (1 c, 96) Kevali, the Scriptures (aa) Shouta, the Saint's brother-hoods, (4) Sangha, the true religion, (47)