Pudgala or matter. This combination is the bondage ( Bandha) which produces karmas. When Jiva thus combines itself with Pudgala (matter), it leaves its invisible state and becomes visible to us. It is Pudgala (matter) which has form and when Pudgala combines itself with Jiva, the taste, colour, smell and touch of the former which are the requisites of its form, are attributed to the really formless Jiva, and we say that Jiva has form. Every form of mundane life which we see is a Jiva in its impure and visible state in combination with Pudgala. Therefore, according to Vyavahâra Naya, that is to say, from the ordinary or common sense point of view, we may say that Jivas have form, but we must remember that according to Niéchaga Naya or the realistic point of view, Jivas are without form.
Brahmadeva in his commentary quotes a verse to support this view :
"बंधं पडि एयत्तं लकखणदो हवदि तस्स भिण्णत्त।
तम्हा अमुत्तिभावो गंतो होदि जीवस्स ॥" i.e. “In bondage (Jiva] is one (with Pudgala), but really acudieng to definition, it is separate [from Pudgala]. Hence formlessness does not always belong to Jiva."
Pudgala is said to possess touch, taste, smell and colour. Though these qualities are really inseparable from Pudgala, from the ordinary point of view we speak of them as separate from Pudgala.t Colours are of fire kinds, riz., Blue (Nila), Yellow (Pita), White (Sukla), Black (Krişna), and Red (Lohita). The varieties of taste are Bitter (Tikta), Sour (Katu), Acid (Amla), Sweet (Madhura) and Astringent (Kaşaya). Smells are of two kinds, fragrance (Surabhi) and its opposite (Asurabhi). The eight kinds of touch are Soft (Mșidu),
* " %93 taiyara ganar: " Tattvarthadhigama Sótra V. 29. + "वष्णरसगंधफासा परमाणुपरूविदा विसेसा हि । दव्वादो य अणण्णा अण्णत्तपगासगा होति ॥"
[q5alfaTVERTATT: 11 42 | t"व: पंचधा नीलपीतशुक्लकृष्णालोहितभेदात्।"
[Tattvartharajavarttika No. 10 on Satra V. 28.] $"fatherg TT ATT TALAITT: 1"
[Tattvårtharajavarttika No. 8 on Satra V. 23.] 11 : EtfhtETAT I" (Tattvarthardjavárttika No. 9 on[Sátra
V. 23.]