वण्ण रस पंच गंधा दो फासा अट्ट णिच्चया जीवे । णो संति अमुत्ति तदो ववहारा मुत्ति बंधादो ॥७॥ Vaņņa rasa pañcha gandhâ do phâsâ attha ņichchayâ
jîve. No santi amutti tado vavahârâ multi bandhâdo-(7).
Padapatha.-Pauper Nichchayâ, according to Nischaya Naya. a Jive, in Jiva.com Vappa, colour. T Rasa, taste. 4 Pañcha, five. Do, two. ha Gandhå, smells. Attha, eight. Her Phâsâ, touch. No, not. fifa Santi, are, aềt Tado, therefore.wyfet Amutti, without form, agru Vavahârâ, according to Vyavahâra Naya. Met Bandhado, from Bandha (hondage). gfer Mutti, possessed of form.
7. According to Nischaya Naya, Jîva is without form, because the five kinds of colour and taste, two kinds of smell, and eight kinds of touch are not prosent in it. But according to Vyavahâra Naya [Jîva] has form through the bondage [of Karma.]
COMMENTARY. Jiva is naturally invisible, but " when the soul is attacked by the passions...it takes on the Pudgala (naterial) particles lit for the bondage of the karmas, just as a heated iron-ball takes up waterparticles in which it is immersed. This is the bondage of the Karnas." Thus "the naturally invisible soul is compounded in a very subtle way with visible, tangible matter, and is in a sense thereby rendered visible, as lemon-juice is rendered sweet by the addition of sugar and water. In its pure state the soul [Jiva] is invisible, just as in itself the lemon-juice is sour." I
We should therefore remember that, according to the Jaina belief, Jiva, in its natural or real state, is invisible. But it combines with
* Sanskrit rendering : वर्णाः रसाः पञ्च गन्धौ द्वौ स्पर्शाः अष्टौ निश्चयात् जीवे । नो सन्ति अमूर्तिः ततः व्यवहारात् मूर्ति बन्धतः ।। Varnaḥ rasaḥ pañcha gandhau drau sparsâḥ aştau nischayat jivc, No santi amůrttiḥ tataḥ vyavahåråt mûrttiḥ bandhata). † A. B. Latthe-"An Introduction to Jainism," pages 0-10. Herbert Warren Jainism," pages 10-11.