lions of it expert adviserou "The great thiog appeared to be the
the bes libero ducatie i . need of some control organisation from prostost difficulties of art per la In: Bife sod thought the ret i radiane which branches could be worked, and it din is that forerament has no owledge will as for me Ba d ucted
of their training and qualifications the head of that central nrgnainntinn
Indiana The Society is doing great should be a mong man with unlimited The departiental tradition in that the
work lo promoting
til un
derstanding between Anglo-Indiana and en Surh nan honldmt have to training of Puropean clentine piallet
Indians of all class Mr. Tagore hus 5ght official - A great dawlark to good kiren him a better understanding of the wink, not only in India but in this enun- Indian industrial pmlilem than the art
remlutionind the methods of traching
Ane Art is the uttak bol, and in the ry." expert. As a matter of fnnt the diploma
lant report the Mala Nebol of Arts THE TRC RYANOX FOR THE CITY expected of an art manter for conducting
I notice that the new Principal, Mr. Hal grud Englikli Art ch e arrtifient INDIAN ART AND LANDICRAFT. that hn line
AWAY, finds that the more he studies and
and through a training in There is no inherent wrences in in technical matter enred with handi.
examine the native methods of fearling ution Art, practined he living Indian craft which in generally twice As long
drawing the more ha in inclined towards eraftenen. In Arinint for ite verline un the whole count of tudy required for the
their being really admite and weful. far our rule, nor in the opening of the scientife deeron of the University of
By way of net-luck to this mont Astinlar. 2012 ('nal Melant explanation. The London: And the curriculum for the latter
tory progrron, the Bengal Fluention ditinn of Indian art and eat when haddly touchen any of the twrhnim!
Thepartient, soon after I left ('alautta, A nd the greement of the rounquestions enuneetal with
turto pirees the Drawing Ryllabus br
Indian Indone try was not materially different fmm trire. The problems of Indian technical
which I have begun to wrdinate the that whicli prevailed when the Moguls educatinn munt he molvally wholeheart
teaching of art in the School of Art with vered llindustan nnd if we had low-led 20-lerntinn between artists who have
the teaching in the schools outside it, and, Aklaar's sound artistie policy, India thorough knowledge of the science of art
withont consulting the School of Art, Old HRVA hen a great artistic revival and scientinta with artistic intnition, but
reverted to the old South Kensington instead of a mont lamentalde decline un much en-operation in almost impossibile in
methods, which are entirely apprend to llar British administration. The true Inng n the official status of the artist in
the principle and practice of Indian art. Anil the chief rain for the do-wholly inferior, and no long as he is
Since my departure, alo, anirial entit carf Indian art and handicraft han lien und hand and fruit ly departmental
mittten of the University of Calcutta, tuin want of good administration in art authority.
against the delili rate and almost unapi. inatters and the consequent impotence of
MOUR Vote of the Faculty of Arts, shut
Tus FCTURE OF INDIAN ART. thn Art advisers of Government. The
the door of the Uuiversity to all art Wanno false distinction while i will made
But though I regard the presentante of teaching, an that now the official teaching in the Arhania of Art Bortseen the one
Art alministration M eminently unabtin of Indian Art in Bengnl in apain confined arts and industrial arts in till rinde hy
factory, I am by no meana peminatie to the font walls of the School of Art Government between Indian Art and In- about the future of Indian art. There in How long the latter will continue to le dian industry. An art expert is not
in Indian art A Vitality like that of a school of Indian Art in under present wupposed to be concerned in Indinn indlux. hanya tren, which may be buried for circumstances, a matter of great ubattiral questions, though in India shere in time under land-allde, but will, mener twinsty, for even when the right thing hudlyan industry, excepit Agriculture, or later, pumb tu way through and RTW happens, in it were accidently, there in in which the artistic factor can be treat
with renewed rigour. I have spent no continnity of polley, and no official ons of minor importance
gond deal of time in tilting Agrinst the Interest in art, except by accident. Three times only in tbm enume of my frial winnille which lie in the path of With regard to hand-loor verving oficial career of twenty years have there an art teacher in India, but the tral Indi. Government is no
An art teacher in India, but the mal Indi-Government is now waisting to some on hnen opportunitinn afforded lov (overin AIS MIT Ser neglected nntaide the tent private enterprlie, and though much mest for a full discussion of the vital phere of Indian deprtnirntaliens. Nor remains to be accomplished in revivine
allecting Indian art and industry, have any reason to be distatisfied with l village handieralt. Indin senin to be on In none of the OCORRONA wore the art the TRUIDA A my campaign, for if I have the eve of great industrial developmrat. urn appointed by the Secretary of
involved myself in pirat ditirulties in which the village band-weaver in state called in to represent the intereste
hava, At I t , nado tbinge enneiderably art, and on one of then, when an In. Maler for my MCHANA. Two out of the dustrial (onmission was appointed by lour of thone gaunt and ugly structures Iord Orton, my evidence M w itupas are on the point of collaping. I bavo
as with the reception of the opening had ample testimony in many letters 1 paragraph, entirely suppressed in the have received that the views of located ..tial roport, and the evidence of Ancien. milions with regard in Indian fine art Title oxpert wubstitute for it over my SAVA indere a remarkable change in 1 . Though I called odhcial attention the last few years. The son exhibition
the ermr, he correction was made. Il of the Inilian Nociety of Oriretal Art in "' Assure you that there was not a single clutt, of which can Kitchener WM word of my evidence which was unit for the art President, han heel kiently to publication lit, ven if that were then bring out this chang i rus you
4. the wylotitution of evidener which might walk through the exhibition of I met give walled to him to draw the Sims Why Fine Arts Nuietion
Then use the one that is
the best. .. . meri. Ynr obvious re it is of without hein in th: in fine ait
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