niskog full use of the traditional when the House of Commons sy it, th
. and art of the Indian
be dis actor-builder for
en and decogato d union on the Estimates, it
but always the purpoope of the Buat 1 And in this
u found remain so under
what Government departments were nome question of style orary Viceroy, Governor,timos employing architecte, echiptoni and
prouent condition To Mopul policy of Head of Departments and every official decorators from Caloutta tur paullo build.
making fall um of Hindu architect, but hiretect has been lae to himself. Noing in London, and paying them ten, or
ders, and decorator, attracted the best detinita principle hne been laid down, and
1 of them to the contex of clovernment
Atty tince the nata of wages there Eng. che paramount inportance of architec- liah muter-builders and eraltamon demand
Our Pablic Works beglect of them bas tural style in relation to the preservation
driven them all away to the provinces or od, because the provincial English style of Indian art aod handicraft has never
Native Stater, where they can get employ were not considered departmentally oor received the slightest official considera
ment. A singlo order from tho Secretary rect? In England aneb mituation in tion, though, as one of the artistic alvi.
of State or the Government of India, unthinkable, but it is actually the situahels of Government, I have endeavoured
followed by the consistent and thorough tion which has been considered right and carrying out of that order by competent on very posible occasion in the last
proper for India during the last Afty Departmental suthorities, would bririk twenty years to draw official attention
years, and this is the vituation which the them back; but uutil that ouder is given, to it
art experts sent out by the Secretary of until it in the settled policy of (invurn. Mr. Cocil Burns in entirely incorrect in Stato revive Indian art are mood to inent that the living traditions of Indian his wantement that the matter was fully fucr. Is it Murprising that they domo craftmanship shall always be utilined considered in connection with the scheme timon think discretion is the better part for State purposes, the superation of for the Victoria Memorial at Calcutta of valour ?
Schools of Art with the l'ublie Woch "The facts are that at the first inception Me ('ecil Burns has, however, plenty Departments can do no benefit to Indian of the scheme for the memoriul Lord Curs
of charage. Ho propreen that the School handicraft, for the winple raron that zon invited public discussion and surg
of Art lamb should lie down with the
with the tbe real Indian craftangen hardly set tions. The suggestion I submitted to Public Works lion, or, in other words,
enter the doors of School of Art, er Lord Curzon was that u preliminary that the Principale of Schools of Art
come near them. You may improve tl. Tenure a competeut architect should niako should accept things they are, and co
decoration of public bunldingu Ly Ml. # Aurvey of buildings in Northern Iudia orate with the Public Work D-part
Burun' wheme, but it doon not bringen.' couatructed by living ludian mnator-build
went in the decoration of puble build.dian Art within the scope of Departmental ers who still carry on the traditions of
inge. I myself have always strongly ad
ngly ad. policy. Mr. Burns whes to being the Indian architecture, and that after this Vocated such co-operation, provided that
ludian craftsman up-to-date, but he was done the design for the monorial tho security and fre Action of the laul
Avoid the real iwwer, that the principal should be made in & living Indian style
could be guarutood, but I think the lamb cause of his being out-of-date in the rally in consultation with the best native mas is rush to thrush its head into the untam.
of Indian departneutalion for the last ter-builders that were found. This was ed lion's mouth. The system of co-opera
Gity yoan. Sir lubert Herkouet! very much the procedure which Shab
tion was, in fact, Mr. Chimbolia statod marku un Mr. Burbe' per god Jahan adopted in connection with the
in the discussion on Mr. Buru's paper, than the paper itself. He said: building of the 'Taj. Lord Curzon enga
introduced by him wben he was doing the bed a competent architect, but did not
double duties of Superintendent of the carry out my main suggestioa, to inves
School of Arts and Conwulting Architect tigate thoroughly the living traditions of
in Madras. But directly I took charge Indian architecture, for the reason that
of the whool of Arts the Bible Work. ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA Calcutta was a European city, and that an Departmeut withdraw it orderu fit the Founders of Steel Trunk Industry Indian style of building would be unauit.
school aud started workshops of their able there.
in India. own. This is an illustration of the diffiI cannot myself conceive how it is pos culties in which Principals of Schools
ESTABLISHED IN by sible to dofend the Public Works policy of Art are placed. There is no fixed Best Machige tunde, Suiventei. on practical, wusthetic, or otbical grounde policy in art matters, and they have STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES The reason giveu for it always seem to practically no voice in the settlonient of
PACTORY :be pedantic, when they are not frankly artistic questions. Until it is the wettled
11, Maniktolt Street (Ratulan ), philistine and indifferent to the interests policy of the Government of Indian that
HEAD OFFICE - of art. Let us suppone for a moment that living Indian styles shall be adopted u
7/1, there oxisted in England at tho prosent far as possible in all public building, there
tiwallin Street, (Kultura day a largo number of master-builders,
BRANCH:can be no cooperation betweun Art
361, How lazar tel (kurtuklu masons, and other cruftansen who had at Scbools and the Public Work. Dopartthoir Angott enda all the architecturalment for the advantage of Indian Art. DKIOT (HHATRA BANDAR L.T. and craft unditions of the Middle Ages. The Principal of the Sebool of Art is N
4.1 (lyr Nywar. Woald architwowchod hrtinta my that it subordinato ufficial of the Education De
CALCUTTA. W im powible, wundesirable, to employ partient with moch inferior ubuial
WHOLESALE & RETAIL. thbe witu i Gubernant work lipop the status to that of the Consulting Archicotet they did uut kuuw. Latli and Groek, hipd and if the Inttu chochod to have imitation Ho certitiunto from the Board of Eduble Renminbe, or Gotbic, or to inventa tivo, and could nut druw.their designs on tyle of lisowa, for the design of public paper to an exmot sculo fur the approval Luillinga, lo is quite at liberty to du . of the Loopla lorovo bejv. Honry All Mulever, the seloole of Art are quitu what would be Mafety Oppimitin out of wuch with the best ladies build. www.ciniwimwishoni
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