bound them in a warm way t
r wo ho brogs:
H id
duelom wh hith , MAAR
Centlemien--Please order kur une glas Tom
SA wie i U
There is DO CIRO ens of knowing the with the chorenia puberta Opinbou
Pure Present and Fature in * . foremost, an artistic one.
alle ingard to the art promlis the bes t
pring thep this memorable
The method, which detrimental infuence in largely discount- neerroo, mil that there in gat feeling
the deient wagen had recons, for the el l, I hope for the sake of Britik prawo thountry-quite lieyond
ktowledge of the Past Prevent futur
ho come to light by the unbouw prestige that Government will not wait the limit of party-of pity,
o p athy,
of great Mahatma-and pople i until the opinion of educated Indians in and of horror at the wineries which our
tal may be benefited liyidik art matters in no fully formed us to create industrial system entaila Noverthelsen
This invention is vogtat . popular agitation for their removal. If it in this myntem, pure and unadulterated,
hit 14
order to certain the answer the fui they represented, Mr. Roger Smith which Indian departmentalism, for the strong aud stubboro lant Afty venne h
Text Afty years, hay been recommending
bnnn sorinel to argue,
lowing or like queries : *
(1) What is ono doing? (?) What I earrion of natioual artistic feeling the only practical one under British
one's condition ? (3) Whether A they would endure na inng An the British rule, and timing at ita in uende to prope:
Act will come out oful or a here mi; but when the history of Anglo-In-gite. I shall not cense to protust against
(4) What will live the result of #cer dan dapartmentalim in inpartially **. thin recomendation and this propuganda
att ) Wliat in the witnation anul meu. am i t will be evident that their origin as long as I live.
ditinu of permu's place et destinat W.ever based upon national artintic Indian art is not dend; it has been
(6) What are are perinr, frials f-wiling, but upon national artintio inosleeping, but in how Awakening, and to
relations choing! continue to ignore it in the future en we
(0) WI rance and departmental inefficiency. And
Turied wealth le obtained and when the history of medical art in a have done in the patis, I am onvinced,
bar 1
its nature ! (A) What will be the null. mpu in fully underwood, and the defici. the worst of all bad policies, and one
fair or foul of a certain private. PUR eins of our own national art Uncation which in frught with ovil con buences to
quatrel! aru perlined, it will he evident, even to our Pmpire.
The glamt ie of great value in alvin the lay inind, that Europe owe an im
the above or mense debt in the net philosophy of
th India
If once purchased there in DA India Fast, and in an macla concerned
of re-purehuning it provided it is kip in the preservation of the living trudi.
Flyshuttle looins chopent and most wafely. tions of Indian art and architecture. It
profitable without fron partal. Working Numerous certificates bave been obtainis totiul, Lord Curzon bas said,
ou one count without broukage. Food from the learned non, price of the "that for every deparment of Bato there
glam la Rel. Annes D. including packing munt be policy, imateul of no policy, 1.a,.
" .. AKOLA,
Aod pootage, a nethol which is barel non septed
(I. I. R. A book in Engtinh derribing the use premises, either of selo sing or of
of the glass will be supplod. The glus oxperience, and is laid down in clear
in 7" 1 5." language understood by the officers
N.B.- In eure the glam dnes not turn who have to apply it, and intelligibte ARTISTIC PHOTO ENLARBENHUT. out to your wishes, it may be returned to the peoplo to whom it is to be
and the price (Rs. 2 only) refunded, applind." Neither the Education nor the . B. DUTTA & BROS.,
vided the glass is sent back within twen Public Work, the two department# 307. L'OPER CHITPUN ROAD, (Joruuhanko)
ty-four (21) nun of fu delivery. hietly concerned in India, han any leti. I
Purchasers and roquested to writo tur nito licy in art nitters which can be female artist for Purdha boshin."
Tull inddrea Wiede in Pagoh 16 THE CALCUTTA HOMEPATHIC PHARMACY.
correspondents name, Pont Offic, al ESTARLISHED 1860.
village or town should be nously written The first pure and independent Homopathic l'harmncy in the East po to onere prompt execution of Homepathic drugs and requisites are lo porud wonthly from Europe
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