M AYUGIN. SA brace the difference betwolte. Th. "Jane Ferguna wrate of the Indian Akbar, Jahangir and Shub Jalan, do we'l hleb the art bus bhen price builders, 30 or, 40 mm 40 that he decorate their chithra-ala or ploturn. in Kurople for thout three con had imbibed from them more of the true
halle, with splendid fraco paintings ** turie has been very confusing India principles of Architecture, u practised
They did in the days of the groat Mogul. is clear and intelligibile .No one can by the greater water-builders of Europe
For where do the Indian tunter-buildora look at the subject without. Asing.it
who uphold the splendid tradition of Agra importance, and no one can study.cbo are ho had road. And I myself in recent And Dolhi and employment and D
practised there without recoguthing years have watched and admired their couragotsont ! Not in British India.' what the principles of the science really skill, and found evidenos, wbich would
where we have made architecture practi. Architecture.lu India Inl oonyince any but "un-dried bureacratcally . Chovernment monopoly : but in living art, proctined ou the principles that India could still rival hor great the few "unprogressive" Nativa States which chwed its wonderful development Architectural triumpha in the past, if
which still value their past artistic truiin Europe in the 19th and 13th centuries; the cruel and sonnolesa official boycott
tion * The war of coinmorcialism and there doneoquently, and there alone, which our administrative system import
which in the last two centuries has swept the student of architecture bus a chance upon her master-builders were removed.
over Europe, carrying away all but a few of seeing the real principles of the art in For, let it be understood that under our
feeble remnants of the splendid tradition. wtion... What really renders ludia stupid University and and Publio works
al craluamanship of the Middle Ages, her interesting as an object of study Systems, the Indian manter-builder not yot entirely overwbelmod Indian Art that it is now a living entity. Groecefinde all approaches to lucrative employ.
Art in Indis, ephelally in the North, IR and Rorge are dead and have passed away went barred to him, throughout British
wuch more real and living, les artificial and we are living so completely in the India and in many of the Native Slates,
and exotic, than it is in the great arttuidst of modern Europe that we cannot
unless he abandons all the traditions of cutron of Europe. India noodle Art-achool get outside to contemplate it as a whole. Indian cruftanu nahip and becomes *
muuma, picture and culpture gallerian. ... India la complete comDos in itwell." mechanical copwist of the relation Eu. The descendants of the Architects who (Ileatory of Indtur Irchitecture, pp. 5, 6, ropa, departmental dunige.
built the Taj Mahal ; of the Court-paint
"By the official boycott of the Indian and 4).
crs who executed the exquisito miniamaster-builder, we also boycott not II. Views of Mr. E. B. Havell.
turer which are the delight of the modern only all the higher handicrafts for which
connoisseurs; of the craft men who deMr. E. B. Elarell, ex. Principul of the
India has always been one of the greatest livvernment School of Arts, at Madren
corated the places of Jahangir And Shah schools in the world-wood and stone
Ishan; and of the engineern who CODAand at ('alcutta, and the author of that carving and inlaying, netal-work, lacquer
tructed their great public work, boaumental work, INDIAN SCULITURE AND
. work, tura-cotta and tile-work--but PAINTING, is no lone emphatic than Mr.
carry on the traditions of their foretho fine arts well. It is chiefly
futbers. And throughout the villages of Jaumer Ferguson on the capacity for through this official neglect of Indian
India, there are still handicraflamen unstructive achievement of the Indian architecture and contempt for Indian
Weavers, cotton-painter, potter, goldLuilders In All article in the Hinduatkan art that the Indian Aristocracy now fill
Amith, bram-smith, wood and nonIdirce for April, 1909, he exprernes bim
their palaces with tenth-rate European rolf in a manner which IOAVER 110 room
carvers, etc., whose akill of hand and picture, instend of employing the Indian
inherited for doubt.
craft tradition Artista, descended from the court painters
represent natural mouTC of immense industrial
wealth, which in Europe, is revived' artiSWADESHI LOOMS.
ticially by an elaborate and costly system Flyshuttle Lamins cheapes and not
of teaching in art-Hehools, by museum, profitable without iron part. Working
art-galleries and schools of handicraft" on fiber counts without breakage. Fo.
---The Dunon Vagazin. terme apply to D. B. & (o. AKOLA,
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