Aimt arose enquiries into the nature of how that. Wotuit on the blan d er dort d ie MAD, and into the Internal world. Here l' of our being, the blood that soun is RELIGION BIRENOTHENXA. Brot arone the doctrines of the immortal. Our folna''Wowot have faith in that
"TION AULATE Wtood, and what it did in the past, and té to where there wapo bado wenk God, an immanent God in nature and in out of that faith and consciousness of that sort of doctoder in the political man, and here the highest ideals of gartners, we Yent build an India, state of the nice or ta inalate, op la peligion and philosophy bave attained yot greater than what she has been any educational, incollectinate crowd their culminating polot. This is tbe there have been periods of decay and into the systetid produce de To land from whence, liko tidal waven, anglation. I do not attach much im. remedy it, therefore, we must go to the wpirituality and philosophy have Again portance to that, we all know that ;' that root of this doceb and learn the blood and again marched out and deluged the period hic been 'Decessary. The mighty of all iarpurftitiet. The one tendency world, and thin in the land from whonce tro producen bakutiful pe fruit. This tind be to strengthen the man, to make the more auch tiden munt proceed in order to pot on the ground, it decays it rota blood pure, the body wigorous, so that it to bring life and vigour into the decaying and out of that decay spring the root, I will be able to touint and throw out all JACHR of mankind. It is the same India and the Intors tro perhape mightier external polsons, and hera Noo that which hre withatood the shocks of cen. than the Art one. And this decay our yigour, our strength, nay, our nation. furios, of hundreds of foreign Invasious, through which we have passed Wal life, in 'In our religion. öl bundreds of upheavals of manners and necessary. Out of this decay is coming FOCUS ALL WILL POWER TOsuntoms. It in the same land which the India of the future ; it is already
the future of India depende antirely tand. Armer than any mck in the world aprooting, ita Arst leaves are already out upon the accumulation of onerky and with ita undying vigour, and indintrucand the mighty gigantic tren, the power. This is the secret, accumulation
samo nature m urhamulam is here already beginning to of the will powers, coordination, bring the teaching about soul, without begin. appear."
ing them all, it were into one focus
The Swaml after dealing with Each Chinaman thinks hin own way, and are the obildren of such a country. the varlety of conditions that make In- handful of Japanese think all in the
INCENTIVE FROM THE PAST dian, problema very complicated and mamo way and you know the result.
I am here to speak to you to day, saying that religion is the only common That is how it gou throughout in the shout some practical things and my ground in Asin and before religion all history of the world you find compact object in rominding you about the glories diffoultion vanish, proceeded.
little bations always ruling huge weof the past is simply thir. Many times UNIFYNIG OF RLLIGION THE wieldy nations and it is natural because ünva I been told that looking into the
BASIS OF THE FUTURE It is easier for the little compact natidos past only degenerates and leads to
to bring their ideas into the same focus, Bothing, let us look into the future. The first plank in the making off and thoy booomo developed. And the Thok back, therefore, as far as you can, ture India, the first step that is to be bigger the nation, the more unwieldy drink deep of the sternal fountains that when out of that rock of ages, in this uni. they are, born as is were disorganised are bobind, and after that, look forward, tying of religion. We have to be taught mob, they can not oomblo All those march forward, and nako Indir brighter, that Hindus, Dualista, Qualified Mopiata, Darrela munt As. prostor, much highor, than who ever wanor Monlota, or any other sota Baivaites, Our ancestors were great, we must arst Vaisnavites, Pasupati, all the various
denominattons have bartain common ideas behind that the time has come wbon, for the well-being of ourselvor, for thowell-being of our race, we must give
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