not see thouge in the Jark. The Yoyin un should, therefore, begin to practios INDIAN AROBITBOTURAL ART: KM derstand this and know the method Hatha Yoga.
1 . STRIKING CONTRAST BETWERK by which the power of eye right can he In the practice of Hatha Yoga atriot
INDIA AND EUROPR.. developed. A regards distinguishing dietetic rules must be observed. Any.
- -:0:objata at Akrut lintanco thun is not thing that in marp, sour, pingas thing that in sharp, sour, pungant, or
1. Vlews of Mr. James Fergussos
vi ificult to believe since we know that hot, like matitard, liquore, flesh of animals,
eurd, butternsilk, here are person living not Yogis, who
D. C.L., F. R. S. oil cakes, carrote, 1
Mr. Jamper omon, and garlia should not be eston.
Fergussgn, all we the moon of Jupiter without the
D. C. L
F. B. &, M. R A.8., the great authority r of any inntrument Food, again, which having been once
on the subject of Architecture in his This branch of optical science in Haths cooked, has grown cold and been r
monumental work, the "History of la.. Ya is called in Sannkrit "Tratak" warmed, should be avoided; we should
dian and Pastern Architecture (forming Yogn. It trachex, among other things, ATRO exces of salt or acidity or that
the third Volume of the Now Edition how, through kazing on one object and which is hard to digent. Rice, barley,
of History of Architecture, I work in four ut the netime performing certain ape wheat, milk, Angar, honey and butter are
volumea), draws & most striklar contrat rinl breathing exercises, many optical good for A Hatha Yoga diet. The
batwoon India and Europe, in respect Intluding can he cured as well as the ninner in which Armericans live in
clains of Indian and European puwet of Wight wtrengthened. Thn auhotels and boarding houses, where the
Architectoral Art. Says that distinguishthentic recorren of Hatha Yogin much food is often unclean, is far from
ed authority,-"Those who have an oppor. for the fact that it producen many favourable to thin practice. Food
tunity of seeing what perfect buildings beneficial effects whon properly proutined cooked for hundreds of people in a res.
the ignorant, unedncated Datives of India under the direction of competent taurant cannot be equally good for all
are now producing. will easily underanter of Hatha Yoga and may easily cause dicenne. Those who
tand how succes may be achieved; while A Yogi why is expert in thin wcience of wish to enjoy perfect health must be
those who observe what failupes the optics an franate or madden Another by careful about what they eat; they must
best odurated and wint talented architehin optimal powers. The process of hypalso observe all the laws of hygiene re.
cts in Europe are constantly perpetrating notin or loominerini verified thin claim. garding cleanliness of the body, fresh air,
may, by a study of Indian model A Yogi eu likowino road the thoughts and pure water. They whould not live
ensily see why tlria moast mevitably be of another by looking at his cyex; for in over-heated houses ; neither should
the result. It in only in India that #ccording to the Yogi the oyo in the they indulge in artificial stimulante
the two syntenu can now be seen pracindex of the Mind. Here it may be
specially beer, wine and coffco the habit Asked how do the Yogis acquire there
tisod wide by wide-the educated inof excessive coffee-drinking in a serious
tellectual Europou always failing bepoweru? Tbey do not get them from menace to Americen nation. Many peo
CAM outside. The powers are dormant in
his principles are wrong, the feelplo are already suffering from nervous pro.
lo and uneducated native an inevitable every in lividual, and through practice
Ntration as a result of indulgence in this the Yogin loring them out. They wry: -
succeeding, becaune hin principles are direction, and thore are very few cames
right. The Indian builders thind only "Whatever uainty in the miverse (the in which the nervous Nymtom will not he
of what they are doing, and how they M: POCIT) exinly also in the human afforted lay it to some extent.
can budy (the ruictocomm.) "''hnt is the finer
Leut produce the effect they He who wishes to practice Hatha Yogi
dexire. In the European Mystem it is furer'exist potentially in our own or. alioukl Arst of all find a Hatha Yoga to
considered tuore enrential laat ganism, and if we study our nature
building acher, who has perfect control over his
especially in its details should be a Otrofully we allall be able to know all physical body: 1. having found him, he
rect copy of something else, baa good in the force and the law. wbich govern should lead a life in strict word with his
itself or appropriate life in
to the univers.
itu instruction. Innhould lent
pra pone; Hathu Yugr, again, teaches the cure of necluded spot and where the changes of
FOR dise.so through breathing exercises and weather aro neither sudden not extreme. the regulation of the diet anl of the He would be rigul vegetarian and absgenern! Labits of the daily life. But tain from all kind of brinks that stimu it does not claim that pleal health latu thonynt. Ho should never fill the
MANUFACTURED BY In the same 4 spirituality. On the stomach with large quantity of food.
THE contrary, it tells us that if healthy lle shoulil observe the moral laws and SHARMA HINDU BISCUTS! boily wern #wigo afpiritualities, the practice alwolute continence. He should
FACTORY, DELIL wild animals and NAVAKON who enjoy learn to control in sen , knep his boly
HE LARGUT STEAM RAKENT IN INDIA) perfect lulih would be exceedingly clero, and purify him inint ly arousing
GUARANTEED DELICIOUS AND BENT Mpirituxli yot they are not, we know. feelings of kindness and love towards
IN THE MARKET. The principal idea of these Yogis 18 All living creatures. (Extrret from Swami
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