MAAYOSIMAM uture, the one cominent that suy. TEL PRINCIPLE OF EVIL. To our mind there is no emping
from tho belief that, if God exists, gents itself is in the Homeric phrase,
He is All. All proceeds from Him These things lie on the knees of
The problem of evil is one that
from what other source can it pro the Gods." hne taxed human thought and
ceed! All exists in Him; Revelation in Jall.
in what evolved various and conflicting Revelation is a thing Religion Miu
er ur continent can it exist ?
1) We verfully asserts, Science as portla
here, evil munt proceed from
nd. Helidre An Inahingo Him, evil must exist in Him. Since ly denies. According to our ideal
des material, the problem does not exist. Ho is All-Wise, for all knowledge this country, man has faculty, Everything is in nature as the result is His it must exist for romo wise ent in him but easily duveloped
of evolution. Nature is blind and rough the various means grouped
and perfect purpose. Since He is der the expression sadhana, by
unintelligent and has thereforo no All-Love, it must exist for good and
conception of good or evil; the 000nich he is able to see spiritually
not for anything which contradicts ception belongs to the human get the revelation of things not
the good. Only, His is asi nfinite mind and is the result of the social cernible by the reason. Srijut
wisdom, ours a finite, His perfect, sense and the ideas of pleasure and ishna Kumar Mitr in relating
ours undeveloped. His is an infinite prin developed in human beings $ spiritual experiences in Agra
and all-wise love,ours a finite by a perfoctly intelligible atural il dwelt on the revelation of the
and unwise love, a love is perfectly process. It is to men who believe nipresent and inerciful Cod which
informed by knowledge,full of mya, in Intelligence 89 governing and us continually with him in his
ateichstent to passing happiness doveloping the world that the proprisoument. He hnd what we call
and pleasure. God's love looks beyond, blem exista. 'Why did ovil ooible e prutyakalue durshim. This is a
ours fixes its eyes on the moment. into existence and what is its ing the possibility of which our
Experience must always be the purpose? ise men trained in European en
basis of true knowledge, but it
The unwillingness of the devoirt ;htenment think it a very intel
must be experience illuminated by soul to admit that evil can have its ctual thing to deny. On a simi
true perception, not experience existence in God, has lod a variar occasion the Indian Social Re
dominated by surface impressions. tions of the Manichean thoory which rmer" sheered at the experience,
The experience of the mind which seos a double control in the world, God clared that God roveals Himself
has compassed calm and is able to as the Principle of good and Satan as aly in His laws and, if we remem
preserve its tranquillity under the the Principle of evil. Those who rear right, souffod at the idea of
most strenuous Assaults of pain, misgard the belief in the existence of an ach A revelation being givon in
fortune and evil is alone worth intelligent evil power is supersti- having. The mind whicb is not Ich an inappropriato, disreputable
tion, find the origin of evil in man ad uncomfortable place as a jail.
i ru, which feels grief and thinks who nbuses bis freedom and by his is curious at lust that not one
under the intronce of affection revolt and solf-will gives birth to and passion even if it be noble affecut many should have had this
sin. This solution solves nothing, tion and prosion, canot arrive (poriency recently in precisely
for it does not explain why there milarcircum stances and that the
at the samyang Inanam, the coin should have boon trion experiences should have
possibility of plete and perfect truth. Emotion is
ovil at all. Unless we limit our con for the heart, it should not besiege een expressed in almost exactly
ception of God as the source and the intellect; for the proper business he Marne torms. After all, an ounce
creator of all, that from which all f experience is worth a ton of
of the intellect in to observe and proooods, we must admit that evil anderstand, but to be obecured by the heory. Our own belief is that the lotions of the world are tr.welling
as part of the economy of the slightest prejudice, the least trace
world must have proceuded from wardy 4 signal rulutation of
of feeling. One who doinu will Him no less than gond. Even if hoetheistic and
look narrowly at every incident Agnostic titules anul thiet India is the
we violently posit another creative and, if he cannot you at once, wait
forou in the blico selected for tho revelution.
world limiting His for enlightenment as to its ultimate It is for this rettson that these ex.
nniversality, we shall have to 16311 DHO purpose and issue; so waiting, so periences are burning so frent
that Ho; having the power to pre- alinly considering, the morning of
vont evil, permits it; for He is omnilife dawns on the mind, as intinite n toen who uro rather men of accon than wirst is generally
potont, and none can do anything purpose reveals telf-in things small known piirely religious inen, that
except by the permission of His and great, in occa Thos good and s to say, who seck (od in life and
all-wise and overruling Providence. bad: omniscient Provilence reveals the servico of men and not merely
And if we limit the omnipotenee itself in the fall of tho Sparrow in the closot anul the
of God, we duce Him to a mere and the death of the eat as well as rain. A now
Demiurgun, A religion summing up and correcting
great Artificer of in the earthquaku lb destruy's the old, * religion basednot
things utruggling amongst forcongreat cities and the mi ubat. dogma bnt on direct knowledge atual
over which He has nut entire con- roake thousands.destituta sul home experience is the need of the age,
brul. Such a conception is unphilo less. Rudra'nod Shavit , iwal and it is only India that can give
sophiel and contrary to the unt themselves as one. The Yoginuces it to the world.
versal spiritual experience of man- Chod in all things, net ouly in all kind. The problem remains why, beings but in all ayeuta. H is if He is God, All Lovo,' sar VMAR- the food, He is the earthquake galas, ke creates evil or, if He He is Death that leads to a higher does not creato it, permite it! life, He is Pain that properen