National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. I.
14th Falgoon 1316.
No. 34.
Great Coas quences.
The crents that away the world tre often the results of trial eit. cumstances. Whammensu changes sud irresistible movements are in progress, 11 19 astonishing how A single event, The chance event, will lead to an of circutustankes that alter the face of a country or the aurld. At such times a slight turn this way or that produces results out of all proportion tu the cause. It 18 un nuch or canon that we feel most vividly the reality of & Power which disposes of twent and deforts the enkulstions of sen. The end of many things is brough: about by the sudden act of a Nngle tudividual. A world vanusha, another is create alinuntat touch. (vrtainty appears and we legm to realise what the prulay of the Hindus, the passage from one ago another, really means and how true In the ch's that it is by rapid tranne taong tung-prphared huge are induced. Such a change new imprends all ver the world, and in alsandt all countres events are happruing the final results of which the actors do not for-re. Small une tenus pass across the surface of great countries and sure of them frees and are forgotten, others in cam late the fature. In England, x Prussia, 10 Cireece, still mer in
T'oriry. Pursia and China slight with specutie care of discontent movement of Rear in
t he ma
i n adding an Egypbe sutient at the post moment to lifheulty to the primanent bur. to alter the dentima of the country. den England. The minds of The Egyptian Murder.
rulers at such sons Animesed rather The anasematon of Borntros Pasha by imple beyond their control in Egypt hat the chance of being thun by that calm thought which one of the momentous esents. In would guide them in ordinare times itself it in an incident which has We know what Land Crompt would happened in that it will have done, it is to be pe what a out incurbing the more of ordinary higher Power inpeln Sir Elon
V-atx. The line of rules te Gornt to che, for the treepth of always open to this put from the an event and out in the rent - fatistic, the personal ench with a self it consequences d pnl. Sindye, the crank the lunatic. Great Preparations. 1. England twelf the hvis fru- Conversely, at such um lingun or prmces have been tak preparat , it lort in the mil In attemp. But there are stages of the rhange, low booth tro ordinary toms and Egypt is ing very littir. Hipos *** Sot in a normal condition. Thitherto Cuation, Irigely attended conferro. the Egyptian queria has not been Concarnest ani careful deliberation Aoite. There a strong Nation. all end in smoke, they vanh, ** lint u nent which grows within traer behind. Thay tone, th Denshaw incident has
largely be there great prepar. leit wunda bekind, but, bvyand
trons either take their stand Oil the mere fact of the presence of the
the chimnure that the post cante furrin, ther. Heems to be no pci
restored, or they anchor thema fic griner Iuch uld give 11
selves on the permanechey ten ty tehing or formidable
of present conditions. But in the hape to the vague disconti and
rulu things move prilly that the perfectly natural real epi
ystny's contions entirely elus ration. If the virtual ruler of Egypt
appear tanlay : ud Lay's hite 10 is well u se, the art of solitary
Ly of being in existence - 114. not prove anything
inurrow. Under such cireumatic but i fow ny unnuit. xcite
the role of the Gita becomes moet meetit need not be the spark in
A necessity, to do one's duty Hi Cont the wrier rangazine. But if Sir ing to one's lights and thra Eldon Gorgt allows hun to r raults to ..Fi; w w e . swayed into providing the Egyptin tempt to ve into m e