ng for higher 'bliss. This light of this idea, the Christian Barily improve the heart is a thing that cannot be argued; doctrine of the Son of Man on the
It would it has to be sean.
be an error to suy that it has no ef. Pdripashyanti | Cross Aoquires a now significance dhirah And sight is only possible and man himself becomes the Christ
fect. It thoowa certain nerds of
thought into the antahkarunaand, to the calm heart and the taper of the universe.
if these thoughts become habitual, turbed understanding.
Another question occurs. Is pain The materialist is not wrong when
they influence the conduct. But real or a shadow! The Vedantist the danger of moral text-books is he holds good and evil to be merely believes that the soul in a part of that they make the thinking of operations of Nature which she uses
God.or one with God Himself, and high things mechanical and artifiimpartially and without making a
cannot feel pain or grief, but only cial, and whatever is mechanical and distinction, and that the distinction
Ananda, blink. The jiva or soul artificial, is inoperative for good. is an evolution in the human mind. takos the USA, the delight of Thore are three thinge which are Evil is good disintegrating to pre- the dualities, and it changes to of the utmost importance in derling pare for a higher good. That bliss in his nature; but this is with a man's moral nature, tho omowhich is now tyranny, was once veiled by the ignonce that tions, the sanskaras or formed hrnecessary to consolidate human
separates, the jiva in his swarupa bita And Associations, and the swa. society. What was once an ideal from the mind and the heart. Pain bhava or nature. The only way state of society, would now be bar. is a negative vikara or corruption for him to train himself morally is barous and evil. Morality.progresses, of true experience in the mind, to habitnate, himself to the right religion widens with the growing plensures positive vikara. The emotions, tho noblest associations. inanifestation of that which is truth is Ananda. But this is the best rental, emotional and phydivine in the human race. As with
knowlodge for which mankind is sical habits and the following out the individual, so with the race and
not ready. Only the Yogin realisen in right action of the fundamnental the world, ovil tends to good, it
it and becomes sama, likominded, impulses of his onsential nature. comes into existence in order that
to pain and pleasure, good or evil, You can impose a certain discipline men may reject the lesser good happiness or misfortune. He on children, dress them into a cer. and rise to the higher.
takos the man of both and they tain mould, lash them into a desir. The problem of pain remains. give him strength and bliss; ed path, but unless you can get Wns it recernary that the process for tho veil between his mind their hearts and natures on your should be recoinpanied with pain and his soul is removed and the side, the conformity to this diseipto the individual? At one time the apparent man in him has become line becomes a hypocritical and capacity for pain, physical and men one with the swarupa or real man. henrtless, often a cowardly compli. tal, was infinitely less than it is now, If mankind as a whole camo too ance. This is what is done in Euso little that it night be pronoun- early by that knowledge, the evolu- rope, and it leads to that remarkcod to be nil. It is a remarkablo tion of the perfect good would be able phenomenon known as the rict that disunn, pun and grief delnyed. The utter sweetness of sowing of wild oats as soon as the have grown keener with the growing dayit and prema, pity and love, yoke of discipline at school and at tineness of the human organisation. might never be extracted from hoine is removed, and to the social Obviously this can only be a teme the lila.
hypocrisy which is so large a fca
ture of European life. Only what porury development necessity to prepare a higher race which shall rise
the man admires and accepts, be above pain to a higher capacity for
comes part of himself, the rest inn EDUCATION.
innok. He conforms to the discipline pleasure and happiness. The lower organisation rosisted the nurskara
of society as he conforned to the of pain and grief by the coarseness THE MORAL NATURE. moral routine of home and school, of its composition, it rejected pain In the economy of man. tho men
but considers himself at liberty to in the sense of not knowing it The tal naturo rests upon the moral, and
guide his real life, inner and private, higher organisatiou of the future the education of the intellect divorc
according to his own likings und will not be below it, but rise above ed from the perfection of tho moral
passions. On the other hand, to it. It was the knowledge of good and emotional nature is injurious to
Deglect moral and religious educa. and evil that brought grief and human progress. Yet, while it is
tion altogether is to corrupt the sin into the world; when that Basy to arrange some kind of curri- race. The notorious moral corrupknowledge is sunnounted, inan will
culum or syllabus which will do tion in our young Inen previous to rise above grief and sin. Beforo ho well enough for the training of the the saving touch of the Swadeshi eat the forbidden fruit, he had the mind, it has not yet been found movement, wns thu direct result of innocence of the animal; when he possible to provide under moderth the purely mental instruction given
to them under the English system shall cease to eat it, he will have the innocence of the God. Is it not Bo for the school and college. The of education. The adoption of the
Attoropu to make boys moral and English system under an that in nature pain is a possibility.
Indian religious by the teaching of moral
dinguise in institutions which has to be exhausted and man
like the has been selected as the instrus and religious textbook is a vanity Central Hindu College is likely to and a delusion, precisely because
lead ment to bring it into existence, in
to the European result. limited space for a limnited time, and tho heart is not thoi tnini and to That it is better than nothing is work it out of the costos? In the instruct the'nind does not neces- all that can be said for it...