of predominantly BODORO characten only be on diok of political and stus It proached the freedom of the present phase of European the individual Againt the kide
Dollarperial intenta, between the evolution Socialism' represento Eorpand people und regulations
that has preservof Society, the protest of Ruropean: Democracy wd, the national sentiment among This was no moañ work. It meat against the existing poonomic thanh Nationalism, consequently, who marrestion of the dund people arrangements of European society. . more or lon mean, selfish, and
Eurip. It meant new thought, new It is a demand for a more equitable | degrading sentiment there. It bas no w onls, new aspirations, a lew out distribution of conomic privileges no spiritual inspiration in it. It
wok, and a new life for the modern than what obtains a present simply representa scramble for world. It created a new philosophy Competition is the basis of thu or power and pell between rival cow
life and a new organon of cul- lating economic structure in Europe: tunities ture for Western humanity. But
But though Nationalism is . for all that, it was still an emphnti- tal philosophy of this compotitive sentiment Nationality. in fact. cally negative movement. It broke
economic arrangernent. In this and the fact has always been preware that it was able to build s ense, and to this extent only, doen sent in Europe much thin Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, -- Sucinlisin represent reaction Asia, though it may not have been
war-cry of tho French Re- Against the excessively individual. consciously realised, and, thus, formvolution, however inspiring it wight tic philosophy of the French ed the basis of a rational sentiment have been to the down-ruden peo- Ilhinination. But thongh to al or philosophio ideal everywhere. Europe aimong whom it was crtain extent anti-individualistic. In fuct, like every other thing,
we ulixtood I wis, especially'unlerstood Socialisin is in no se
Socialisin is in no sense a synonym Nationality also comes within the I interpreted by the tightenin for Nationalism. Socialinm in range of consciousness only under otury, owntially formula of recognition of the linitntions of certain conditione. And contact
It was not a principle of individualism in one department and conflict with other nationalreconciliation. It way the assertion
of life only, namely, the coonomic: ities is the one universal condition ...ntithesis, not the discovery Nationalen recognises those lámi. of thu growth of national conscious of a rynthonis. It was, no doubt, tations in every department of life. ness. It is indoed, the Inw of all couI l of freedown, but freedom Sucila is a theory in economics sciousness. Human consciousness in conceived muore in its negntive Nationalist is fact in Sociology. always the result of the contact and than in ite pusitivu spects. Freo- It is a higher generalisation conflict of the self with the not-self.
orway mainly apprehended hus but the gospel of French Revolu- The bot-me in our physical surrounmere absence of rentraint. And bon was not merely individualistic. dings, on the one side, and in our this negative idea of freedot how I WAS A gompel of universalism atxo. human Associations, in other men largely dominated European thought
In fact it was this note of universal- and wonen, on the other it is there up to our own tine. The oft-quot
ism which gave to the French Re- which always awaken the self in um. od dictum of Herbert Spencer, volution its most filucinating feature. Without this contact and conflict,
Every man is free to do ho 168 deeper identiam Wie ronlly its no personal conscioumens would pilotses provided he infringes not intense humanitarianism. And have been possible. Similarly, it is
have been possibko. Simila the equal freedom of others",-.
in so far as it was humani- contact, and, more then contact, till represents the prevailing idea tarian, the French Revolution kven und vital onflict, with other of freedom in Europe. And this is WAN indeed, in a mense, anti-national. uations alone that can call forth Europe's heritage in the French There were only two fnotors in the the sentiment of Nationalism among Revolution.
soheme of reform propounded by any people. And the nature of this And as long as Europe has not the French Revolution, namely, conflict always dewormince the chil. been able to completely work out tho individual hunian unit on thymeter of the spirit of nationalism this excessivo individualistic em. one side and universal humanity on evoked by it. In Europe,international phasis of the French Illumination, the other. Liberty and quality for
conflicts have almost always been it will never fully understand the the individual, As members of a political or politieu-cunomic. And philosophy of true nationalism.
univerzal Human Brotherhoord,-- nationalinin, in Eampo, therefore, Nationalism is, indeed, a compa
this was the complete philosophy in contially political sentiment rutively new jdes in Europe. "Thu of the French Revolution. It was 'This l aocounts for the sal concept is still inore or lesy nebuluns individualistic and cosmopolitan. vigonr of the political nid the vare and vague. Neither the scientific and Nationalisi, as philusophy wwi bowe way show peoplon. basis wortho, uthical and spiritual of life, had no place in its rebeme. This partial and very incompleto significance of it hae'ns yet been 10
The vot been It recognised no iniddle termi n of nationalism in Europe, in Dised by the onlinnry European between the individual and the fargely due to the boot that from mind. And this is because the Eu- universal. Nationality in ite view tong time print, there has cuaseul t. ropuen mind is still under the domi- was the antithesis of Humanity, oxint ang vital conttiot.of oultur dation of the French Illumination. N onanam Was opposed to one and civiliation mining the different The necessary limitations of the politanium. It was conceive! !. natin of the Western workl. They
You w ant. crime againnt universal are ull foco or loss, the, inheritoru bare, no doubt, dontmenced to be Brother bowl.
of Groove god. Konse. They are all i ne r ede but the propean culture in the eight-, mialy. profesors of ope common rok o ve
the Penth and the nineteenth conturica, mligion. Their social life and ideale www . of t hus
do the spirit we practically the same. And there
elly tried to www. the. 1. patiobfity in the Worl. kof t an almost constant how