of pooples of one nation into the of sweet song and music at a great grove quiver with its feweetc territories of the other nations, who distance. Myriads of flowers seemed At their feet the stream mum have been rapidly abnorbed into the to be ever newly in bloom, for the softly between its banks. The wind nation of their woption. And all these woent of them was there, jasinines carried to them the soft fragrance thingw have worked together to pre- of many kinds and other sweet- of the woodland flowers. In places vent the growth of any strong and smelling blossoms. There in a bits of sunlight glittered on the fully deteruiined national conscious place high over all, the cynosure of waves of the rivulet. Somewhere ness among the European peoples. all, one seemed to be sitting, like a palm-leaves rustled in the slow wind. Mazzini war, I think, the only
dark blue hill that hns grown Far off a blue range of mountains prophet of the completo national bright as fire and burns softly from met the eyo. For a long time they ile in modern Europe. And the within. A gerat firey crown was remained silent in delight. Then psychology of it is also not very dif- on his head, his arms seeined to be Kalyani Again asked, "What are ticult to investigato. Rome had four. Those who sat at either side you thinking?" lost her empire, but not her tradi- of him, I could not recognize, but "I am thinking what I should tions. Italy had lost her political I think they were women in their do. The dream is nothing but freedom, but not her pride of forms, but so full of beauty, light race. Austria, though their and fragrance that every time I in the mind and of itself it dixWulitical master, WAS yet gazed in that direction, my senses appears.--a bubble from the waking mero barbarian in the eye of were perplexed, I could not fix my life. Comne, let us go home." the Italinn people. Her political gaze nor see who they were. In "Glo where God bids you," said Kal. dominntion representod only super- front of the Four-Armed another yani and put her child in her husjor bruto force, but not superior woman's form seemed to be stand- band's lap. 'intellectual or moral force. It struck ing. She too was luminous, but Mohendra took his daughter in not inerely against Italy's political surrounded by clouds so that the his Iup and said, " And you, --where freedom, but against the entire light could not well manifest itself; will you go?" Italian culturo. It wounded the it could only be dimly realined that Kalyani, covering her eyes with keen pride of race of an ancient one in the form of a woman wept,
her hands and prossing her forehead people. Italy's struggle for free- one full of heart's distress, one worn
between them, answered, I too on was not merely a political and thin, but beautiful exceedingly.
will go where God hus bid ine." struggle, but a truly national It seemed to me that a soft fragrant
Mohendra started and said, struggle in the largest sense of the wind carried me along, pushing me
"Where is that? How will you term. And it was the peculiar as with waves, till it brought me to nature of this struggle which awoke the foot of the Four-Armed's throne. Kalyani showed him the sina! in Mazzini a fuller sense of Pational It scemed to me that the worn and
box of poison. ity and deeper sentiment of cloud-besieged women pointed to
Muhondra said in astonishment, nationalism than what is found mo and said, " This is she, for whose
"What, you will take poison?" ordinarily in Europe. sake Mohendra will not come to my
"I meant to take it, but--"Kal. bosom." Then there was a sound
yani became silent and began to like the sweet clear music of A
think. Muhendra kept his gaze ANANDAMATH. flute; it seemed that the Four.
on her face and every moment -000Armed said to Me, "Leave your
seemned to him a year, but when he CHAPTER XIL husband and come to me. This is
saw that she did not complete her Kalyani said, "I too have nutferol your Mother, your husband will
unfinished words, he asked ; " But greatly and gone through many serve hor; but if you stay at your
what? What were you going to inisadventures. It will be of no husband's side, that Bar
husband's side, that service cannot say?" mivantage to you to hear it. I be given. Como away to Me," | "I mean to take it, but leaving Cannot say how I managed to sleep I wept and said, "How shall I you behind, leaving Sukumari in such exceeding misadventure, come, leaving my husband ? Then behind, I have no wish to go to but today in the early hours of tho
the Autelike voico crine again, "I the Autelike voica caine A
Paradise itself. I will not die." morning I fell asleop, and in myam husband, father, mother. son. With the words Kalyani set Hleep I saw a drosm. I saw-I daughter; come to Me." I do not down the box on the earth. Then cannot say by what force of pre- remember, what I said. Then I the two began to talk of the past V10H18 good works I went there, woke." Kalyani spoke and was and future and became absorbed but I saw mysolf in a region of ugnin silent.
in their talk. Taking advantage wonder, where there was no solid Mahendra also, astonished, a.nazed, of their absorption the child in her Earth, but only light, a very soft | almoed, kept silence. Overhead the play took up the box of poison. sweet light as if of a cool lustro doyel began its clamour, the pupia Neither of them obeerved it. broken by clouds. There was 20 Hooded heaven with its yoice, the Sukumari thought, "This is human being there, only luminous call of the cuckoo get the regions very fine toy." She held it in her formis, no noise, only a sound as if echoing, the bhringaraj made the left hand and slapped it well with
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