tefore our linery apprehensions. But incidents like these never
1. Toto We do not know whether, consider happen to . brave, patriotic ing how the Medition law in being and self-rospecting nation;
( BT BTPIN CHANDRA PAL) intorpreted in Bombay, Nagpur, they happen only to
Batili wa Jationalista those
II . and the Punjnb, even mentioning who cower and fear and, by their
The movement of individual free. this incident may not bring us character, justify men who think dom in modern Europe, originatiny within its provisioun. It is impos- themselves entitled to treat them
with the Lutheran protest, found wible, however, pass it over in like slaves. When the Bengalis
iw culmination, as I said last week, Milence, and we proceed, therefore, showed themselves in the first ar. in the French Revolution. Though to make a few observations, tread. dour of 1905 a brave, patriotic and
the logie of Protestantism, with its ing amid the pitfalls of the law self-respecting nation, these inci.
right of private judgmeut, was realAs carefully as we can.
dents censed to happen. If they ly rubjective individualism, yet in First, we have a word to the Gov. are now reviving with features of
M muob mit accepted the dogma criment of East Bengal, It is a studied atrocity absent from
of an objective and supernatural very busy dealing with romantic similar brutalities in the past, it
noripture, practically this freedom dacoition, shapelons conspiracies, must be becauRO Wo are censing to
of the individual was circumscribed Vague whmlows of Terrorism, Arms deserve those appellations. The
by the traditions of his religiou. InAct Cares, meeting of reform
nation is coworing in silence under dividual reason had to exercise Councils overstocked with land- the terror of repressive laws, all
its freedom of judgment within the holders and Mahoredana. We do
syinptoms of national life are dis- limitations of the Scriptures. The jot know whether it has any timo couraged by the lenders and the
conscience of the individual had to or interent to apare for little sordid elders as dangerous and untimely.
submit to the accepted moral code unromantic incidents of this kind. Those who dare to speak words of
of the sacred Book. Protestant If it hny any spare time, it night hopo and courage to the people, are
freedom worked within these limits. i worse in its own interests than denotinced by your vernacular The French Revolution, however,
lance onou at that night's doings at journals, shnt out by carefully de- throw these old brakes away, and conlundo. It is obviously impos- vised creeds and regulations from
proclaimod a new gospel of freedom Nible to appeal to the Inw. Even if the body you still onll the National
in which the individual really be. the identity of thu Assailants were Congress, boycotted by some of
came a law unto himself. Hindu fixed, the culprits would at once bring your District Conferences. If the
thought had of old recognised the i trumped-up countercharge, say, Government HCO Anarchists and
right of the individual to be a law of mobbery, dacoity, Anarchism or dacoita in every bush, you see
unto himself, but only tinder cerny hrudy Accusation, and the deportations and house-searches word of a hundred
tin conditions, whon the individual Bengalis, of in every Inl-pagri. You cower in had. by long and laborious disci. whatever position or honourable your homes, speak your opinions in plinas, cured himself of his conceit witecedents, would not weigh with thushod whispers, allow the national individuality and had realised, ially but an exceptional Judige, spirit to die out and your Mother
thereby, his or her essential identity yitinst that of a single Englishnan, to go down again into the black pit with the Universal. The gowpel of whatever his antocedents or Oducit from which we mised her. And lindividualism preached by the French tion. The only probable result this incident at Goxundo is the fret Bevolution was of a different kind. would be to add a term of imprison- ominous warning God gives you of ment to the Pandit's misfortunes. the inovitable result.
The freedom here proclaimed was
| an absolute right. It was an Even to reveal his naino might cx There is only one way to uphold powo him to the gentle mercies of nation's honour and to compel
unoonditional claim. The human
unit wus entitled to this freedom the local Police in his District. outrages upon it to coase automad.
whatever might be the stage of All we can do, therefore, is to ad- cally-and that is to show that we
intellectual or moral evolution in vertise the Shillong Government are a nation and got a herd. If by of what has happened and give them any moans within the law, the porpe
which it stood. Froodoin such as the chance of notion. trators of this outrage can be made
this, reduces truth to mere opinion; Then, wo have one word to say to feel that Bengalis cannot be half
destroys the validity of rational,
2 battered to death with impunity, it
agninut to the nation.
irrational, judgment, Tho assault was motives and scems to have beon should doubtless be done. But no
both being ultimately a mere con committed merely because the Pan- personal anger, no violent language
jugation of the verb to think, and dit wns a Bengali and the Euroor violent actions are needed.
obliterates all distinction, on the peaus telt in the inood to hammer The reawakening of the national
ethionl plane, between impulse and
duty. The logic of this freedou, 1 Bengali, perhaps out of the spirit ready to act fearlessly and ruco-hatred which organs like the blainelessly--for self-defence and
as I have often pointed out, isEnglial man aro busy fomenting prevontion of a crimo are blamelees,
"The Woman Who Did." with perfect impunity. There is -on every emergency great or
But still the debt of modern no other explanation on the facts. small, will of itself be sufficient
humanity to the French Revolu. "The thing has happened and we
tioa oannot be ignored. In spite
of its expensive individualistic em. wish to say at once that nothing in our rotnarks must be held to
phasia,' we French Revolution mean that wo advise retulintion.
ushered in a new or of human pru. groue. 'Il proclaimed the law of
"The Bengal soaps are the cheapest and qest in the parket.'