the instincts of the dominant cannot be described as unreal or a effoet that it is quite w e ite
attempt to sham merely because the electorates as any previous Council. We agree. drevtralise the political life of are no arranged to return a ma- even more so. But it is not diēnito Bengal is not new. In the earlier jority of men favourable to Govern to which popular sentiment in addays of the new movement the ment. The majority is a non-official vancing, it is democracy. If the Nationalist urs made trenuous majority, but it is not popnlar Councils do not provide a chaunel Appeals to libertathely from majority. Sir Edward answers for the advance of that sontiment Culotta ditution and bronne that it will never intended to be it will seek other means of soll. com partners in a better organized popular mujority. It was meant accomplishment. provincial activity. They thought only to represent the "honort" public Sir Louis Dano on Torrorism. it wible then berentie, in the first opinion which is capable in most
The annzing leetnre given by the Nurse of the ovencit, the mofil things of Heing eye to eye with Sutrap of the Punjab to the Maha centres in Est Bengal had deve. tho Giovertament; all the rest of raja of Durbhangn and the other lapor a young political vitality and public opinion is not honest and gentlemetr who were iliad riser independence far in 'ACUNN of the therefore unfit for representation. enough to appronch him with o vitality and inlupendence of A most delightful Apecimen of their expressions of loyalty (lett. But vell in these bureaucratic logic! The plain
And of abhorreleet the f arble circumstanow it was question rising above all sophisms | Nixik murder, i un of the forund that, thigh the districts for in this, is the Government awaro or kind of thing Julerat politicians outrun the capital in the switness is it not that the great body of may expect when they approach And thoroughness of thựir activity, | duontell opinion in India domand the bureeney with their they always waited for an intellec- change in the mystem of Governo operation. What it is precisely tunel initiative and inction from the mont involving popular control in that the various Strap want of lewer in Sleutta. Burime under the suministration, change which
their long-suffering allies, we can Sj. Aswa Kimar Dutt was the Lord Morley, with all Anglo-India not conjecture. Some nem exception. What the people them to echo him, has declared impossi- want, like Sir Civargu Clarke, the selves and not accomplish ander ble! It the Government doubts it,
entire censation of political agitathe most ruble circumstances, dare they take a plebiscito of literate tion, CITAE the political agitatur the Government is not likely to opinion on the yllektion? They in the spiritual granduncle of the efforet merely by escluding the dare not, because they know what the political sassin. Other's suem (alautte lewers from the Council. result will be. Is not this knowledge wint the entire Indian cuminunity "The very conditions of the problem the reason for so manipulating the to leave their onlinary wrication forbid it. They can only disturb ulectorates that they shall mainly nnd turn detectives, in order to supply the present equilibrium loy making represent special interest the deficiencies of that ently pulicu political life in the Mofusil free onsily intluenced by the Clovern. force throngh which the burral. and well organized as the life of ment and not the man of the cracy governs the county. But Chleutit. Ry their own action they litonite population? We do not Sir Louis Dane's datrit, seems have dentriyel such freedom and charge tho Giovernment with brunch
the Giovernment with brunch wittient to account for except sa organization had been crutel. of faith or a departure from their the suppition that he is a lisNor cun they make their Councils original promises. We do say that riple of Hare Street and believes the instrument of so vital a change the Returns are purely a diplomatic that the whole population of India. unles they also make them the move to strengthen the Govertiment from the Maharaja of Darbhanga centre of the political life of Bengal and weaken the popular interest to the grocer and the shooinaker, This they ein only do by a large Sir Edward stigmatises the po know the personality, intentions, literate electorate, free elections and pular mantiment which NHUN an plang itu secret operations of the effective of the popular votes opposition of interest a long the Terrorists and concunt them from Bilt, itt present, that is not what the line between the burvaucracy and Governant out of innate cils encas burstuerat desire. They do not the people, as dishonest and unfit or invincible sympathy with the
in a vigorous political for self-Government. What of the Amusins. It is ditticult to have life evenly distributed throughout very furunental oppnition of in patience with the innenett foly the intry. -- that is the Nissional terest we have pointe r it in which persists in these delusions int ill. They desire to fuster # asy to fling epithecus ut so vas, and, by lamping all political agitatfaint political lifu confined to the to disprove facts. We do not wish tion into one category, clues its bert dignition and subservient elements to be unfair to any one and we to bring about the calamity which in the country while killing the
acknowledge the Sun Edward Bukurit imagines. The tower rulers like independent popular li which hun shown * Dirty of puu Siriquis there are in this coutuy finds itu ceutre in this city, by an
fur superior to that of any other the letter for the nation and the official boycott. 'They forget that provincial rulur. li there were a i vorntuent; for they are the best artificial innns are helploss against
chance of Rily of the Councils being allies that Terrorist how nutunul forex's.
genuine popular (immunobly, Sir The Monaco of Deportation. The Non-Oital Majority. .
Ellward's creation wonkil have the Once mure rumours of. deportaSir Edward complains strongly of the attribution of notives to the
bust chnuce. But it is not that tion are rife, quoding this time
And cannot be. If he is watisfied from those pillars of authority, the Govornmont in the matter of the
with its prosent composition, his police. nou-official majority. He argucs ia
It seems that these gentle admiration is not shared by the men huse bruitod it abroad that offoot that the on-official majority unplo of this country. He mye in 'twenty-fi ur an prinant and