OF National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. 1. 24th Paush 1316.
{No. 27 FACTS AND OPINIONS. to face with a numerically strong Avoided. It is intich the best thing
and robust opption in 0:
the for A Government circumstances
Council. If so, the Councils are Sir Edward Baker's Admissions.
like our to be quite frank and was not a mirror of the political forces Of all the present rulers of Indir
froin the beginning, “This much Sir Edward Baker is the only one
in the country, not a free popular we mean to give; further you must
assoinbly, but a carefully limitod who really puts any value on public
not expect is to RAM council of opinion. He has comunitted indis
notables friendly Calcutta and Mofussil. cretions of a startling character, he
to the existing state of things | The point which Sir Edward has loyally carried out a policy with
Whether the Government Ary to Baker, in common with all Anglo which he can have no heartfelt
blame or not for guarding their inter. Indian publicists, makes of the dissympathy, but his anxiety to con
ents by this manipulation of elec. tinction betwoen Caloutta and the ciliate public opinion cven under
torntee, is quite another qnestion. Mofusil, in quite justifiable if the these adverse circumstancos betrays
All we say is that they have no Councils are to be only a superior the uneasiness of a man who knows
guarded themselves and, as a result, edition of the local Municipalitie the force of that power even in a
these Councils may be the kind of out of all relation with the political subject country and focls that the
Advisory body the Government netilities of the country. It is an ruling class are not going the best
want, they are not the popular indispntable fact that a great deal nasemblies, mirrors of public opinion
public opinion way to carry that opinion with them.
of the best in the life of Bengal and instruments of rapid political gravitates towards the capital and While all the other provincial Governors have confined their
development, which the people the l'artition of Bengal han inade inaugural speeches to the most emp
want. Sir Edward Baker anys no difference in this powerful ton. ty platitudes, he alone has sought
that no Government can be expect. I deney. Calcutta in to Bengal what
ed to run the risk of putting itself Purin in to France. to speak as a man would who feels
It is from into permanent tninority,--uch Calcutta that Bengal take it the difficulties of a perplexing situa
opi. tion. But we do not think
a state of things cannot be alloweet niun, itu inspirations, its lenders. he has helped the Government by for a day. We quite agree. That its tope, its programme of actie
One very important r his speech. is whnt we have been telling the
ont of this It is in fact a series of damaging admissions. He
people for a very long time. I'm almost inalienable lendership in the Admite that the exclusion of the
fortunately, very different hopes and greater independence which men Caloutta men by the roatrictions
expectations were raised in the minds enjoy in Calcutta, another is the attending
higher organization of life, resour. Municipal eloction is
of Moderate politicians and comdeliberate, and he cannot be ig
municated by them to the people atcer, activity in this great centre of Dorunt that this means the exclu.
large. If the eulogies of the Re- humanity. So long as these causes sion of the leading brains and the form Scheme and the benevolent exint, the supremacy of Calcutta
will remain. moet influential intentions of Government had been
The object of the personalities in the country. He admite that the
couched in low glowing language; electoral rules is to destroy the
with low of misleading fervour. supremacy of the Calcutta met Governament have taken are
to to
the present disappointment, imita- 1. whose independence and froodom of paslude the chanop of being facetion and revolt would have been speech and action are distasteful to