rominent are within the next When the boroutt trovement not entirely but comparatively, unir or noven days to be deported first begaa, it was the pinion of Mr. farournble, by throwing a counterfroen Bengal, and so stiebesfully has
10bestu ly has Tilak and other Nationalist londers!
Tilak and other Nationalist loaders wiling disadvantago into the scale the noise of the coming coup d'état that the exclusion of foreign goods
of the more favourably circumheen circulated that the rumour of should be directed against British comes to us from a distant cor
stanced onmpeting country. This products first of all. The immediate is the limit of the utility of proner of Behar. It appears thnt the
exclusion of all foreign gorais was name of Sj. Aurobindo Chose
tection: it is also the limit of the obviously impracticable. But very ntility of boycott. What boyoutt crowns the police list of those who
soon it became evident that the could do for the cloth industry, it are to be spirited awny to the voice of the whole nation in Bengal has done, but for the producer to bureaucratic Bastiller. The offenco and Maharashtra was for the more lean entirely on boycott and expect for which this inclusion is inade, is, cumprehensive movement, and the it to take the place of business apparently, that he criticises the
leaders wisely put aside their own enterprise, energy capacity. the (tovernment, by which we presume it
opinion and made themselves sinply improvement of his goods, is to lay is nennt that he publicly oppwes excentors of the national will. Wise burden on the national spirit the Reforins. It is difficult to judge ly, because at such time there is which it is neither possible nor how much value is to be attached to something divitely inepired desinable that it should bear. The the rumour, but we presime that in the motions of the national nation agrees to purchase an nt loant a propusil has been muulemind which
mind which excool the human inferior inligenons article in place of If we are not mistaken, this will wintom and statecraft of the india superior foreign article, not with make the third time that the do
vidual. IL WALA and remains true the intention that the producer txortation of the Nationalist louder that the exclusion of all foreign should be excused the necerity of has buon proposed by the persis
Ons is an impacticable monstre improvetnent and should be able to tence of the police. The third time in the present economical condi- force the inferior article on us to all is supposed to be lucky, and let 18 tion of India. But the comprehun. ternity, but wolely to give him hope it will be the Inst. The Gore
sive lmyeott inovcinent was neces- time to improve his methods, his ernment ought to make up its
sury, first, in order that the ident processes, hix machinery, his dexluind one way or the other, ul the night state
might stand deep into the terity in spite of the competition country should know, whether they
consciousness of the people: epit of his superior rival. It waves him will or will not tolerate opposition that has been done by the very much from extinction, it gives him perio! within the law; and this will decide
of repression which were largely of grace: he must use it to rench it. Meanwhile, why does the thun- designol, is uimitted by Mr. Hub- and outdistance the excellence of his clerbolt linger? Or is there again a
house, to house to crus
crush the Swadeshi rival's mothes and production, and hitch in London?
Boycott movement:--secondly, in if he neglects this duty he does it
orler that the ident of India's at hin puuil and it is not open to A PRACTICABLE BOYCOTT. patrate in self-sufficient existence him to cry out against the want of ---:0:---
* tion might thoroughly patriotism in the people because Boycott is an ideal, like freedom; pace the habit of derendene they withdraw a support which he it means independence in industry and contente conomic servitude han abuse. The nation,ngnin, ngrech and cornmerce, na freedom means in- which English wlucation and the to deny itself nocuarios or restrict chendence in administration, #irement of jwlitical lite hrul in the quantity of its purch , not legislation and finance. But it is duce. That work also is done with the intention of pwrmanently not always possible to complish The idler of Swulushi has entered lowering itu Mtandard of confort the whole of the ideal by the first into the very to row of our thought and living barer and more menyre
Hort towards it. So long as we And feeling. It is thereforu time life, but in order to give time it cherish the ideal whole and unbrok- now to consider the practical capital and enterprise wineras CI, we are at liburty to consult the mesin' by which boycott may be the supply, so that eventually the deruands of practicability and re
made gradually and steadily succes wants of the natin may be fiul.
from within. alise it, not at une rush, but by one
If it is found that Boycott is essentially a form of
1 there is tot crive approximations, auch bring
son of indu the vantagu-ground for a fresh rush voluntary protection it cannot
try cumsmate with the self-denind Howard. This does not imply slow do more than protection due to
in the inition and that only a few porrow,the leisurely and gentlema. wards the crention of industries.
bitisha exploiting tin like spreading out of the struggle Protection serves two ens; it
natinal sentiment for their own prevents the lunt sucumuy from
peral notit, it is idle to for freedom through five or six cul
ret turion in onler t o the pu: ils of being trung in its work nicmtnb.
the montt to rise. W. ... the struggle; it is the con lished state by full-grown and
noticed in of a not under they bary condition of rapid progress powerful competitors, it gives #
spirit of mutual trade jeudony ATOLS The force of the hunger for the stimulus to it by Ansuring it a
Swnie-li willowners, who
It cartonot ! h. De whole idol, of impatience with half market.
kathe r inthuchu realisations must remain behind, place of enterprinc, bnsilce on
at walang paliwa but the means of each advance must city, naturally Lismorbole condi
of the cunayper. No single lucha
producer can womplise they be secured by that which went tis. cilt however initignte necesary for uational .. Lefore.
the incidence of natural conditions t , nor can run the whole lot. shwa USR CHATTERJI BRO'S RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS THE BEST & RELIABLE IN THE MARKET,