( stitution to an boeribe to the ench terins, only shows that the if their effectiveness had been din Congress creed or statement of ob. Convention can never be the basis proved. The Reforms have shown ject rund, if they utter or allow their of n united Congress and, that that nothing can be expected froin porominent members to utter senti. while it exints, an united Congress is persistence in Modernte politica iments or pars resolution inconsin- out of the question. Before, therefore, except retrogression, dinappointment trent with it, the Congress would any farther steps can be taken in and humiliation. The experience have a right to feel embarrassed that direction, we must await the of the Inst year has shown that, with nu stigunetize the departure as collapse of the Convention which out the Nationalists at their back, sloble derling. This is the renson We believe to be not far distant. the Molerates are impotent for why we have alwayy opposed the The Nationnlist party have statod opposition and robust agitatinn. Iunitation of the nims or beliels of the terms on which alone they will | The political life of Indin in their the Congress by any hard and fint consent to a compromise, and they hands hns languished and fallen rnle. We wonld oppose it even if will not lower them, neither will rilent. the creed were n deelnrntion of the they renew negotintions until either. By the incontrovertible logic of Nntionnlist faith. Such n limita- the Convention in derul and buried or events it has nppeared that the success tion deprives the Congress of it the Modernte lenders give up their and vigour of the great movement free and representative chometer, it attachment to the Convention creod | inaugurated in 1905 was due to hrinpiirknpiration and public opi- and constitntion.
the union of Modernte And Nationmion, it puts a premium on polition
alist on the platform of selfhelp and bypocrisy. Even if we allow the TO MY COUNTRYMEN. passive resistance. It was in order argument of the Bengnl Moderates,
to provide an opportunity for the blir fundamental objection to Arti. Two decisive incidents have happenTwo decisive incidents have
reestablishment of this union,brokon le IT is not removed. It is an od which make it compulsory on nt Surnt, that the Nationnlists exclusory clnure, it limits the right the Nationalik party to abandon gathered in force at Hughly in of the people to elect any representheir attitude of reserve and expect. order to secure womo basis and lative they choose, it arts up in
nncy and once more nssume their means of negotiation which might authority over the cloctorate in the
legitimato plore in the struggle lead to united effort. The hand milie wny is the exclusory clauses of
for Indian liberties. The Reforms, which we held out, hns been rethe (overnment Reform Councils
Bo long trumpeted in the beginjected. The policy of Lord Morley Regulations, it is a sort of Congress
ning of nower of constitntional has been to rally the Moderates Tont Act arbitrary and undemocra
progress in India, havo born and coerce the Nationalists; the 110. The true democratic principle
thoronghly revealed to the public policy of the Moderuto party led that the man elected by the peo
intelligenco by the publicntion of by Mr. Gokhale and Sir Pherozahah ple must be recognized as a lelegate,
the Councils Regulations and the Mehta has been to play into the whatever his opinions. We shall
results of the elections showing the hands of that policy and give it alway's opwine any restriction of the inevitable nnture il composition
free course and a chance of suctreecom of election by the Govern- of the new Council. The nego
cers. This alliance has failed of its ent, how can we consistently do
tintions for the union of Moderatos object; the beggarly reward tho s, if we recognize restriction in a
and Nationalists in an United Con- Moderates have received, has been pular assembly of our own making?
grese have filed owing to the insis. confined to the sallent and least And if this principle of exclusion
tence of the former on the Nationa- popular elements in their party. is once mmitted, where is it to
lists subscribing to A M ente But the rejection of the alliance imp? What guaranteun unngninnt profession of faith.
with their own countrymen by the the future introduction of a new The survival of Modernte politics
insistence on creed and constitution ale demanding the signing of in India depended on two factors
shows that the Moderates mean to Reclaration renouncing Boycott the genuineness and Nilccess of the
persist in their course even when and putsnive resistance in proconpromised Reforms and the use mude
all motive and political justification cution of ontranoe into the Pandal? by the Coventionists of the oppor.
for it have disappeared. Discumfited It will be seen therefore that tunity given them by the practical
and humiliated by the Government, true whatovor point of viow it is Ruppression of Nationnlist public
they can still find no way tohen.tho refusal to scoept Article II. activity. The field was clear for to retrieve their position nor any of the Convention rules wils not them to tablish the effectiveness
clear and rational course to suggest nly ronsonable, but the Nationalists of the Moderate policy and the
to the Indian people whom they rol not have taken any other living force of the Moderate partx.
mislel into a misunderstanding of Burn without committing political Had the Reforms been a gennine
the very limited promisos held out and tooral Ruicido. The monsonable. initiation of constitutional progrca, by Lord Morley: E of our position on the two the Molerate tactica might have Separated from the great volume other point is wf-evident and
f-evident and I received
received some
some justification from
justification from of Nationalist feeling in the country, od Dot be argued. The refusal events. Or had the Modernt's wilfully shutting its doors to popu.
ensions even given proof of the power of onrry. larity and strength by the formation, by the Bengal Moderates shows ing on a robust and vigorous agitn. of electorates as close and limited that the bolding of an united Con- tion for popular rights, their strength as those of the Reformed Councils,
ress is impossible. The argument and vitality as a political force self-doomed to persistence in a poli : . that the Convention cannot accept might have been established, even cy which has led to signal dimoster,the Twittwintiment
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